Alternative Splash Pack Epsilon Alternative Splash Pack Epsilon

(1 vote)
seanabooth, 2003-12-08

some more splash screens for the game

Readme File:

Installation Instructions:
choose the splash screen you want and Extract either

"SPLASH 1/Splash.bmp"


"SPLASH 2/Splash.bmp"


"SPLASH 3/Splash.bmp"


"SPLASH 4/Splash.bmp" into your main Armada2 directory.

Info on it:
These Will Change the Splash Screen that Comes Up When You Load Armada II.

Type of Mod: Alternative Splash Screens

Bugs: None so far.

Author: seanabooth

My E-mail:

Hope you all enjoy it!

Version    Author  seanabooth  Website   
Downloads  487  Size  262.64 KB  Created  2003-12-08 



#11 Deathbyteacup 2003-12-09 17:39
Oh shush up....... :roll:
#12 seanabooth 2003-12-10 08:14
no1 is forcing u to download these so if u dont like em....don t have em! :mad:
#13 STGamerNew2002 2003-12-10 09:18
I will say I hae to agree with seanabooth. If you don't like it that much, you're not FORCED to download it. What haapen with just politely just saying "I don't like this." and LEAVE it at that. :o

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