Alternative Splash Pack Delta Alternative Splash Pack Delta

(7 votes)
seanabooth, 2003-12-08

a few more splash screens for Armada 2

Readme File:

Installation Instructions:
choose the splash screen you want and Extract either

"SPLASH 1/Splash.bmp"


"SPLASH 2/Splash.bmp"


"SPLASH 3/Splash.bmp" into your main Armada2 directory.

Info on it:
These Will Change the Splash Screen that Comes Up When You Load Armada II.

Type of Mod: Alternative Splash Screens

Bugs: None so far.

Author: seanabooth

My E-mail:

Hope you all enjoy it!

Version    Author  seanabooth  Website   
Downloads  587  Size  583.36 KB  Created  2003-12-08 



#1 Deathbyteacup 2003-12-08 17:59
Dude these things look cooler each time..... the first screenshot is my new all-time fave! :D
#2 johndavid240 2003-12-08 18:04
yet another great splash pack for me to download

keep up the good work

#3 STOMPAWAMPA 2003-12-08 18:22
good job 1000/10

thx me for starting the splash screens fad

no did it before mine
#4 STOMPAWAMPA 2003-12-08 18:24
btw seanabooth your mod own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#5 seanabooth 2003-12-16 18:55
just too let all of u no i wont be modding a2 for a while.. just started on a new project for MOHAA BT. wont say what it is but it should be good. soory all and thanx


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