The A2 Physics Project - Final Version The A2 Physics Project - Final Version

(6 votes)
thunderfoot006, 2008-11-01

A2 PHYSICS PROJECT MISSION STATEMENT - To modify movement, combat movement, weapons, and sensor ranges within stock Armada II with Patch 1.1 and Patch Project 1.2.5 applied to provide a closer to canon feel to the appearance of how ships move and fight. within the game.

So much has gone on since Starfleet Kid and I were bitchin that evening long ago about how poorly the ships moved. The Physics Project has evolved and changed in ways I never imagined at the beginning. This is the final version of the A2 Physics Project. This version replaces all previous versions and has all of the various improvement and refinements I could think of included within it. This mod includes a better version of the recently released A2 Weapons Project. The intent is to make the stock ships move and fight in a way which is closer to canon Star Trek.


There has always been some consternation concerning my statement that PP1.2.5 and A2PP are not compatible. I am happy to report this issue has been resolved.

The A2 Physics Project - Final Version
By thunderfoot006

Table of Contents
- A ReadMe, which no one will read.
- Installation Instructions, complete with uninstall instructions also. Ignore these at your own risk!
- The files needed to add in this mod.
- Backups of the stock files, because we all forget to backup our game whenever we add in something. These are here for your benefit and convienence.

CREDITS - Hey, Y"All? Credits should be at the top, not the bottom. Thay way everyone knows whom to blame when things go wrong. lol.

Gene Roddenberry - for giving us such a cool place to play.
Paramount, Activison, and Mad Doc - for making A2
Chiletrek - for being an excellent role model to follow as a modder. He is an excellent role model because he is an excellent person I am proud to call my friend.
Freyr - for being available as a sounding board and trying out some of my crazier ideas
StarFleet Kid - for being my partner in this from the first and liking my ideas enough to put up with me. You da Man!
StarFox 1701 - for allowing me to use some of his great ideas to make my mod better. Thanks, Bro!
Tain_Ebaran - for allowing me to use his Romulan Plasma Torpedo mod as a great place to start the Romulan Plasma Torpedo included herein.
YOU, for downloading this mod.


Hello, and thank you for downloading the final version of the A2 Physics Project. Why the final version? Because I honestly do not believe I can do any more to A2 in this area.If the physics are improved further, this will be so by people much smarter than I. So much has gone on since Starfleet Kid and I were bitchin that evening about how badly the ships looked as they moved. This project has evolved and changed in ways I never imagined at the beginning. The support and encouragement offered by the Community to my little ODF mod has been flattering and humbling at the same time. I appreciate all of the really nice things everyone has said about this mod in the past and I hope this last version does not disappoint. This has been a blast to work on from start to finish and I enjoyed every second of it. I really did it for myself, but apparently a bunch of people feel the same way I do about the stock game s movement and combat. I hope all of you enjoy using this as much as I enjoyed making it.


I am not trying recreate exactly the way ENT-D moves in any series episode or film. The game engine of A2 is pretty antiquated and barely up to the task of depicting space combat at all. I am trying to get the engine we have to be a little closer to what is seen in the series episodes and films. If I have accomplished this successfully, your B Rels will no longer have the same turning rates as your Vor Chas and your Sovys will move with the stately majestic grace they should move with. Further, your ships will no longer spit photons like a belt fed machine gun. Combat sequences in game will last longer and a player should be able to micro manage a fleet effectively.


The final version of the A2 Physics Project. This version replaces all previous versions and has all of the various improvement and refinements I could think of included within it.
This mod includes a better version of the recently released A2 Weapons Project. The intent is to make the stock ships move and fight in a way which is closer to canon Star Trek.


A way to "balance" the game. I have resigned myself that "balance" as a concept cannot be applied to PC games in general and A2 in particular. To most people, "balance" has come to mean, "My favorite faction gets the biggest ships and the hardest hitting weapons and all the other factions are only in the game to provide me with lots of targets." This may sound judgemental, but I see little evidence to support a different view. If you are expecting your favorite faction to have it all their own way, all the time, you should press the DEL key right now.


There has always been some consternation concerning my statement that PP1.2.5 and A2PP are not compatible. I am happy to report this issue has been resolved. PP1.2.5 is a very popular add on and has a lot of fans throughout the Community. Because of this, I went back and really looked at why there was such a problem in the first place.
The problems? 1) I was not using a clean install of A2. and, 2) The order in which I installed the mods. The correct installation order is listed below.

1) Clean install of A2
2) Patch 1.1
3) Patch Project 1.2.5
4) A2PP Final Version


- To modify movement, combat movement, weapons, and sensor ranges within stock Armada II with Patch 1.1 and Patch Project 1.2.5 applied to provide a closer to canon feel to the appearance of how ships move and fight. within the game.

Priorities and Goals:
- To have a minimal impact on the files in question so anyone can add this into a stock game or a heavily modded one without the danger of a fatal error. To also modify and make available the files in question so modders can include them in their own mods with minimal adjustments

- Closer to canon movement. To have ships in A2 move in a fashion similar to how they move in a series episode, movie, or other Star Trek based game. If done correctly, any player should be able to recreate any ship movement sequence seen in either a series episode or movie with a fair degree of accuracy.

- Closer to canon combat movement. To give players the ability to recreate in A2 any ship to ship combat sequence seen in any series episode, movie, or other Star Trek based game with a fair degree of accuracy. The DS9 episode 'Sacrifice of Angels' combat sequence came to mind instantly.

- Modify all ODF files to support the above. This includes, but is not limited to:
a) Creating ship specific physics files.
b) Adjusting formation sizes and spacings.
c) Adjusting ship ODFs.

- Modify the weapons ODF files to support the above. This includes, but is not limited to:
a) Adjusting ranges and damage effects.
b) Adjusting rates of fire.
c) Adjusting LOS ranges for all ships and stations.

- Create a template or tutorials for all of the above. To allow other A2 players, especially those with minimal modding experience, to 'Plug and Play' a custom ship either of their own creation or downloaded from any fan site.

As you can tell from this document, it is a pretty ambitous project. I hope it meets with your approval and enjoyment.


This mod has been tested only within the SP Campaign and Instant Action vs. the 'puter. I do not know if it will work in online Multiplayer. As always, I accept no responsibility for your computer, disc, or application. This file was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it does not work correctly the first time, please go back and read the directions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the directions.


Permission is hearby granted to use any part of, or all of this, in any mod you intend for public release. That is correct. I am giving permission for you to use this in your mod before you ask for it.

If you do attempt to pass this off as your own work, well, that is fine by me. After all, you and I will always know the real truth, will we not?


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail or PM me from here.
All of the people mentioned by name herein are blameless for anything which may be wrong with this mod. All the mistakes are mine alone.
I am not responsible for any type of damage to your computer, disc, or application from misuse of this mod.


Copyright notices: Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version  not actually final  Author  thunderfoot006  Website   
Downloads  882  Size  1.48 MB  Created  2008-11-01 



#11 TParis 2008-11-02 07:48
How about releasing an updated version then thunderfoot? :-)
#12 ameba 2008-11-02 11:19
yes, for a final version an "all inclusice" file would be nice. does anyone else have my problem with the venator? and is everone happy that atillery ships now get pinned by torpedo platforms?
#13 starfox1701 2008-11-02 21:41
Got somthing eles was runing fed01 and noticed that when the borg ships explode they dont break up. You get the explosion ring then the ship decomissions in place. Can't really call this a bug but it does look odd and its a new one on me. Ten years and I've never seen the like. :o
#14 starfox1701 2008-11-02 22:01
Got it. the chunk speed in the Art cfg file.

Find this line in the file near the top.


just up the speed I put 120
#15 frostmourn4 2008-11-16 13:10
Could anybody make something like this for A1?

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