The A2 Physics Project
This mod changes everything you know about fire and movement in A2. thunderfoot006 and myself, in conjunction with some of the best minds in this community, have ventured to change the way every ship moves in stock A2. This mod is entirely plug-and-play***, which means that ANY ship can be modified to follow more closely a playing experience worthy of the universe Gene Roddenberry created. We've endeavoured to bring every possible Trek experience a little closer to fruition, whether it's just the turning radius of a Romulan Warbird or the Battle for Deep Space Nine.
We've also endeavoured to issue this mod as a challenge to the entire A2Files community. Our challenge is as follows:
Lots of people said they could do this.
It took the two of us to make it happen.
How many other things do we write off with cliches like "everyone can do that" and "anyone with a brain can make that work" in this game?
We believe the reason this community is dying is not because few are trying.
It's because many are trying, on their own, individually. And we would challenge those individuals to put their best work into SMALL, FOCUSED, and DETERMINED efforts that EVERYONE CAN ENJOY, whether they just downloaded the demo or they're working on their sixtieth mod.
Our challenge is to you: simple and uncomplicated doesn't mean it has to be any less fierce. Or any less appreciated.
We've done our bit for this place. It may not seem like much, but it's all our own.
Why has nobody else done this yet? Because nobody gave it an effort.
So please give A2Files your best efforts. We need 'em.
I'd actually review the content of this mod, but I think it's pretty freakin' good or I wouldn't put my name to it.
- the Kid

***This mod is, at present, NOT COMPATIBLE with the FleetOps Patch 1.2.5 for reasons we hope to resolve in the near future. Please note this before you download. You turn your A2 install into a brick because you fail to heed this warning and we're not responsible. Sorry, kids.
StarFleet Kid's Little Physics Project - by The StarFleet Kid and thunderfoot006. Special appearances by: Achilles, Chiletrek, Epytron Omega, and k_merse,
Table of Contents
- A ReadMe, which no one will read.
- Modder's Notes No one will read these either, but hey, we have to try.
- Installation Instructions, complete with uninstall instructions also. Ignore these at your own risk!
- The files needed to add in this mod.
- Backups of the stock files, because we all forget to backup our game whenever we add in something. These are here for your benefit and convienence.
- Bonus Materials! Extras which make the game nicer and I hope they do they same for you. They are NOT part of the Mod, just some stuff I had laying around that I thought someone else might like and could use.
A couple of months ago, StarFleet Kid and myself were discussing(bitchin', really) via MSN about how little the ships in A2 have in common with the same ships in a series episode or movie when they move and fight. A2's physics files also make the ships move very differently from the same ships in other Star Trek based games. During fleet versus fleet actions the ships all pivot in unison to fire on the next target and turn instantly to a new vector when moving. They also ALL fire on the same target. It sure is pretty. It sure is fast It sure ISN"T 'Star Trek'. Armada II ships also shoot waayy too fast. Photon tropedoes should not have the same rate of fire as an M2 .50 calibre machine gun. Add this into the range at what fleets engage and can sight each other, and the stock game feels badly out of whack. No surprise there, because if it felt and looked right, none of us would ever modify anything about it, would we?
At the Kid's request, I began looking at all the files concerning movement. The deeper I got into the movement files, the more I realized this would become a project of some length. I also realized that things like sensor ranges, weapons ranges and rates of fire also seriously affected how the game looked. All of these areas would have to be adjusted, along with movement, to make the ships perform like their counterparts. Before I went any further, I sat down and cobbled together all the ideas wandering 'round my brain and wrote them down. What I came up with is below.
Mission Statement:
To modify movement, combat movement, weapons, and sensor ranges within stock Armada II with Patch 1.1 applied to provide a closer to canon feel to the appearance of how ships move and fight. within the game.
Priorities and Goals:
1) To have a minimal impact on the files in question so anyone can add this into a stock game or a heavily modded one without the danger of a fatal error. To also modify and make available the files in question so modders can include them in their own mods with minimal adjustments
2) Closer to canon movement. To have ships in A2 move in a fashion similar to how they move in a series episode, movie, or other Star Trek based game. If done correctly, any player should be able to recreate any ship movement sequence seen in either a series episode or movie with a fair degree of accuracy.
3) Closer to canon combat movement. To give players the ability to recreate in A2 any ship to ship combat sequence seen in any series episode, movie, or other Star Trek based game with a fair degree of accuracy. The DS9 episode 'Sacrifice of Angels' combat sequence came to mind instantly.
4) Modify all ODF files to support the above. This includes, but is not limited to:
-Creating ship specific physics files.
-Adjusting formation sizes and spacings.
-Adjusting ship ODFs.
5) Modify the weapons ODF files to support the above. This includes, but is not limited to:
-Adjusting ranges and damage effects.
-Adjusting rates of fire.
-Adjusting LOS ranges for all ships and stations.
6) Create a template or tutorials for all of the above. To allow other A2 players, especially those with minimal modding experience, to 'Plug and Play' a custom ship either of their own creation or downloaded from any fan site.
As you can tell from this document, it is a pretty ambitous project. I hope it meets with your approval and enjoyment.
Purists, please note:
We are not trying recreate exactly the way the Enterprise moves in any movie or episode. The game engine of A2 is pretty antiquated and barely up to the task of depicting space combat at all. We are trying to get the engine we have to be a little closer to what can be seen in the episodes and movies. If we have accomplished this successfully, your Bird of Prey will no longer have the same turning rates as your Vor'Chas and your Sovys will move with the stately majestic grace they should move with. Further, your ships will no longer spit photons like a belt fed machine gun. Combat sequences ingame will last longer and a player should be able to micro manage a fleet.
Potential Problems
This mod has been tested only within the SP Campaign and Instant Action vs. the 'puter. I do not know if it will work in online Multiplayer. As always, I accept no responsibility for your 'puter or your game. This file was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it doesn't work right the first time, please go back and read the directions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the directions.
As of this writing, 02/03/08, this mod and Fleet Ops Patch 1.2.5 are incompatible. After trying everything I could think of to get them to work together, I still get CTD issues. I suspect it is something we have done because Fleet Ops is very stable and very tolerant of other things being added into it. Integrating A2PhysPjct and Fleet Ops will have to wait for Version 2.0
Version 2.0 will also include attack patterns and formations for the AI. Currently, there is no way to do this without violating the EULA. We are still looking and are hopeful we can come up with something.
Gene Roddenberry, for giving us such a cool place to play.
Achilles, for feedback and good advice.
Chiletrek, for the same and some beta testing.
Epytron Omega, for wanting this badly enough to include in his Invasion Mini-Mod to hound me into finishing it after I seriously wanted to scrap the whole thing.
k_merse, for allowing the use of some of the materials from his StarFleet Shipnames and Registries
YOU, for D/L'ing this mod.
Release Info:
Permission must be obtained from StarFleet Kid or thunderfoot006 via email or PM before someone can use anything included herein for another project destined for public release. We will be a lot more inclined to say, "Yes" if your work will be available as a public download here at A2 Files. If you do use anything herein, please be polite and considerate enough to include our names in the credits of your mod.
Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail or PM us from here.
All of the people mentioned by name herein are blameless for anything which may be wrong with this mod. All the mistakes are ours alone.
We are not responsible for any type of damage to your 'puter or application from misuse of this mod.
Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | 1.0 | Author | theStarfleetKid | Website | |
Downloads | 946 | Size | 692.27 KB | Created | 2008-02-03 |
Only oe error so far, and likely because I didn't use all the provided files... If a Federation Construction ship is killed, it crashes the game. I am using 3 construction ships for the Federation in my personal mod, so I did not copy over existing data that would have erased my custom modifications.
Is there something you can recommend I use on the Construction ships that will patch this easy? Please send me a PM!
physicsFile = "trek_snoncombat2phys.odf"
These lines are in the Const ODF which sets the basis for all the const ships in the game. I suppose if you placed these lines into your custom ship's odf, it would prevent the crash. This should override the physics files referenced by the inclue command. I know this because I had to do the same thing to ENT-E one time during testing. The first line is commented out by the "//" marks, but it does make it easy to find if there is a problem.;89401 will get you the Collective and;89589
for 8472