Space Bodies & Space Backgrounds
This ladies and gentlemen is the latest installment of the Armada II Upgrade Project. We've not seen much from this in some time, though with this file coming in, others cannot be far behind.
This file, keeping it short, will give you a selection of new space backgrounds, along with dark and light sides of planets (depending upon the directional light I believe). Regardless of whether I am right or wrong on that note, this does look quite something, and I'm sure this will hit the downloads

- Ash
A2UPGRADE 1.5.1 - Space Bodies & Space Backgrounds Update
In this update to 1.4 you will find all new space backgrounds and new planets.
Nebulas are original unedited files from the Space Transformation Pack
This is the first of several updates of which will include remastered
species 8472 textures,new federation textures with new assimilation textures,
remastered klingon textures with new assimilation textures,new remastered
romulan textures...and of course a new borg set.
I have decided to break the whole thing down into packs in order to make the
download sizes small and easy to get quickly.
Please see the screens for this pack to get a better idea of what you'll be
Please note that I have damaged my original and only armada 2 cd and have been
making this update using the very limited demo.I am not about to pay 80 + dollars
on ebay or anywhere else for that matter...for a new copy.So I have not even been
able to actually see my romulan,klingon,species sets to know how they have actually
turned out.I know the game I expect NO errors...but in any case..bear in
mind the above statement.I am wingin in blindly in many cases now.
If anyone would like to donate a cd(backup copy or otherwise)of armada 2 I would be greatful.And offer 20 U.S. dollars as payment.I feel that is compareable to what a
greatest hits title would cost nowadays and feel it's a fair cost.Anything other
than that I am simply not interested.
I can be reached via my yahoo mail address below concerning this matter.
Version | Upgrade Project (1.5.1) | Author | Curtis | Website | |
Downloads | 1,727 | Size | 14.68 MB | Created | 2007-07-12 |
mydatabus is stable enough to host the files for an eventual thats what im gonna do.
It might be a good idea to remove the shadow from the planet textures. The way it is done now the night-side shadows behave unnatural because they move with the rotation of the planets as if each planet in a map has its own personal sun orbiting that particular planet. As we all know suns do not orbit planets.
however...i am willing to create planets without the shadow and those there is a choice..i am working on a new set anyway..i'll just make duplicates without the shadow i use.
this is a temp link