Random Loadscreen mod by WrathofAchilles
I made this for Art of War 4 and thought people might enjoy it, at least for mods. It's installs a new loadscreen that randomly displays one of four pictures, has a spinning mod icon and other more basic graphics, everything is fully customisable and the readme tells you how.
This is a great concept from Achilles and definitely worth a look!

Random Loadscreen mod by WrathofAchilles
I made this for Art of War 4 and thought people might enjoy it, at least for mods. It's installs a new loadscreen that randomly displays one of four pictures, everything is fully customisable and the readme tells you how.
The graphics are pretty big because the resolution needs to be high.
**here are some step for installing the mod
copy the sod and textures folders into your armada 2 directory.
open up your sprites folder and locate tex_anim.spr, open it and scroll to the bottom then paste these lines in
# Loadscreen animation
@animation loadsceenanim
offset 4 1000.0 step
# Automatically generate keyframes
... Done, it will work but it really needs customising to your mod, to do this you will need a paint program like paint shop pro or photoshop.
**To replace a picture
Find an image you want to use, open it in your paint program and resize the image to 1024x1024, dont worry if it look stretched, now split it up into 4 quarters (I suggest using grids and snap to grid functions)
open your textures/RGB folder and find the loadscreen tgas, open up 1-4.
Apply your grid function to these pictures
pick one of the original pictures to replace, lets say top left (it will be the same in each tga), now copy the top left of your picture and paste it over the old picture in loadscreen1.tga, then copy the top right of your picture into loadscreen2.tga, bottom left into loadscreen3.tga and bottom right into loadscreen4.tga.
save your tgas and your done
**To change the text
Open loadscreen5.tga and write whatever text you want in the text box (top left). Fill it all black to have no text.
save the tga.
**To change the spinning logo
open up loadscreen5.tga and place whatever image you like into the top right box, this will then appear as a spinning logo on the loading screen. dont use black as it will get made transparent. dont worry about alpha channels, it wont use them. Fill it all black to have no logo.
save the tga.
**Changing the background
Open up loadscreen5.tga and look at the big box labelled background, white box around this makes the loadscreen border, you can change to whatever you like. You can also fill the area with something if you like but the random image will appear infront of it.
save your tga.
**changing the picture border
The pictures have a built in border, it's coloured black at the moment so you can see it but you can change the colour if you like.
Open up loadscreen5.tga and below the background area it says "border colour", to the left of that is a small box, fill it with any colour you want.
Save the tga.
The pictures I included (with permission) are by Jetfreak, simply because I like them.
There is a tiny line between the quarters of the picture, I suggest black or dark backgrounded pictures rather than nebulas.
that's about it, have fun.
any problems then contact me at wrathofachilles@hotmail.com
Version | Author | Wrath of Achilles | Website | ||
Downloads | 291 | Size | 4.13 MB | Created | 2008-11-29 |
Achilles i was wondering if something like this would ever come out. One question is this A1 compatible (lookin to do something possibly in regards to my thread) and if not do you still have the 1 from the alliances mod?