Assimilatable Cloak
This mod makes the Cloak assimilatable. Cloaking TFCs, here we come!
####Assimilatable Cloak by 8of5####
This mod alows the cloak to be assimilated, if you chose to but it on your whole fleet the
ohase cloak pod is built but you get the cloak. there is only one file, the cloak odf,
which you put in the special weapons Directory under the idf directory in the main Armada
Sorry if there are any problems but I doupt I can help and will not be held responsable (but
I sujest that you make backups of the files you replace), but with my playing with this there
havent been any problems
If you want to use this in your mod feel free, but please mentionme or something
If you wish to contact me, email
Version | Author | 8of5 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,251 | Size | 252.05 KB | Created | 2002-08-07 |
No offense, but with the number of typos in that read-me of yours, its amazing you got any script to work at all
If this works it is exactley what i have been looking for.
Hmm i can picture it now, fleets of cloaked cubes and fusion cubes converge on sperate areas of the map. Decloak, fire and disappear without a trace.
Quote from a1:
Bridge officer on admiral sela's ship,
Borg Cube Dead ahead!!
Now it will be
Admiral Borg cubes decloaking off are starboard bow! lol