Midnight Universe Package
An excellent addition to Armada II here folks. The pictures show for the wonders that it is.
The map backgrounds taken from Star Trek: Legacy, and stunning planet textures (some of these *may* also be from Legacy) - it doesn't state in the ReadMe. Regardless, this package is something that everyone needs, it is without a doubt a stunning piece of work. My only fault for the whole thing are the Dilithium Moons, I simply don't like them (not to my taste, and the glows are too much). However, I am unable to fault the rest.
So kudos to the folks that made Legacy, and to Yacuzza for putting this together for us. A brilliant and much required addition for any Armada II player

Midnight Universe pack
Special thanks to Raven Night (Nightsoft) & Nanobyte
few texture parts are made by Nightsoft so here is ther Licence
This mod is the property of Nightsoft, Inc., patent pending, and is not to be distributed for profit, sold,
bartered, rented, or otherwise used for personal gain without express permission from the owner. All rights
are reserved.
Permission is hereby given to all that wish to distribute or alter this mod, as long as the above conditions are
met and this licence is included in the readme, and appears at the top of the document. The mod must remain
proprietory; usage is restricted to SFC, BC, KA and Armada. You must also secure permission from the original
author of the mod. If you wish to alter this mod in any way, we ask that you contact the original author for
permission before you release it to the public. If you do not follow the aformentioned conditions, you will be
considered in violation of this user licence agreement, and will be subject to legal action. Any and all
subsequent alterations or additions to this product are the property of Nightsoft. Nightsoft reserves the right
Bethesda and Mad Doc for Legacy universe textures.
Version | Author | Yacuzza | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,214 | Size | 28.17 MB | Created | 2006-12-24 |