Ultra Borg Mod V3.0 Ultra Borg Mod V3.0

(7 votes)
Yacuzza, 2005-01-27

Ok this is 3. ultra Borg Mod, and last one
this mod add's new textures for borg stations and ships,
new ships,stations and few new weapons.
Now I put in two federation ships to balance it.
I add new build button's for federation and borg.

Ultra Borg Mod 3 for A2
by Yacuzza - comrad01nuk@net.hr

Ok this is 3. ultra Borg Mod, and last one
this mod add's new textures for borg stations and ships,
new ships,stations and few new weapons.
Now I put in two federation ships to balance it.
I add new build button's for federation and borg.
I give credit's to SHERMAN2 for prometheusx_v21[1].0 that I used in my mod.

Legal Stuff
Copyright and Distribution Permissions

I don't have a problem if anyone wants to use this mod and change it for his mod,if you want to use build button's e-mail me!!!
This Mod shall not be sold in any manner.
Thank you.




Version    Author  Yacuzza  Website   
Downloads  3,529  Size  13.62 MB  Created  2005-01-27 



#1 MajorPayne 2005-01-27 16:51
Hmmmm, how many times have I seen mods that use files I've previously released which do not carry credits for them. Not only have I seen Tactical Cube armour textures which "The Great One" made for Armada 1 (originally), but P81's Intrepid textures are also included with no credit there.

As a request to this modder, could you make sure you add credits for files which you use, as I'm getting a little tired of repeating myself. Especially when something like this not being done can land a person in more trouble than they would like. I'm sure you don't want this removed, so let this be a learning experience.

(and no I'm not making a threat or promise here. Call it more of an advisory statement)
#2 Cpt_Loony 2005-06-06 16:30
Ha! those federation pests dont stand a chance :borg:
#3 darksideplayer 2005-08-03 12:11
hmmm keeps crashing on me as battle starts
#4 kline 2006-09-14 10:39
This is a real good mod. I like the new special weapons developed for the fusion spheres, cubes and tactical cubes. The only problem is their weapons range is just too long. The standard cube that I started out with layed waste to everything. Then the fusion sphere was even worse. I had to put them to green alert just to give the AI a chance. I worse curious to see what this new future cube could do and as soon as it left the shipyard it just destroyed everything lol.
#5 112joesam 2007-02-21 01:34
decent mod :thumbsup:
#6 trekimann 2007-04-07 07:06
How do you increase the number of available power nodes in the game? I have looked arround for help but I cant find any and as this mod need THOUSANDS more power nodes I would love to know
#7 mhf3591 2007-08-08 09:27
You have to edit the game's configuration file. RTS_CFG.h And then edit "int MAX_OFFICERS = 999;" to "int MAX_OFFICERS = 9999999;". Save it and there you go =].

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