TMP Starfleet Full Race Addon
This is a full race for the Federation that covers only the Motion Picture era. It's put together as a compilation of mod content from across the site, and it looks really good. All the necessary elements are included (at least, at a reviewer's first glance), and it seems to be pretty comprehensive.
Please note that if there are any credit issues, send an e-mail to either theStarfleetKid or TParis and we'll investigate. There were none that I could see, but this mod looks like the sort of thing the community desperately needs right about now.
Download this right now, and boldly go.
I created this mod for several different reasons. First, as a tribute to the Armada 2 community. Without all of your work, this mod would never have been created in the first place. Second, in remembrance of Ricardo Montalban (KHAAAAAN!!!!), and third, I think the TMP era was one of the greatest in the history of Star Trek. I also made it in anticipation of the new Star Trek movie. The goal of this mod was to take the best TMP work from the community and combine it to create the ultimate TMP race mod which I have called Starfleet. I have created this mod in the exact image of the pre-existing federation, so I know the mod is balanced. I have also tried to stick to canon material as much as possible, so all of the ships should be recognizable. This is my first mod, and hopefully is the first of many more. Once again, thank you to the Armada 2 community, this is for you!
The screenshots were taken with the Armada Upgrade project.
Installation Instructions
1. Place the sod files into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD folder.
2. Place the AIP files into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/AI/AIPs folder.
3. Place all files found in the RGB folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Textures/RGB folder.
4. Place the file in the misc folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/misc folder.
5. Place the file in the sprites folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/sprites folder.
6. Place the bitmap images found in the ShipImages folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
7. Place the files found in the sounds/effects folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/sounds/effects folder.
8. Place the ODF files found in the odf/ships folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships folder.
9. Place the ODF files found in the odf/stations folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/stations folder.
10. Place the ODF files found in the odf/weapons/phasers folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/weapons/phasers folder.
11. Place the ODF files found in the odf/weapons/photons folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/weapons/photons folder.
12. Place the ODF files found in the odf/weapons/pulse folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/weapons/pulse folder.
13. Place the ODF files found in the odf/special_weapons folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/special_weapons folder.
14. Place the ODF files found in the other folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/other folder.
15. Locate the file named "gui_global.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).
paste into gui_global.spr right above # Federation build buttons
# Starfleet build buttons
b_tmpscout gbtmpscout 0 0 64 64
b_tmpdestroy gbtmpdestroy 0 0 64 64
b_tmpdestroy2 gbtmpdestroy2 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcolony gbtmpcolony 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcruise gbtmpcruise 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcruise2 gbtmpcruise2 0 0 64 64
b_tmpassault gbtmpassault 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcruise3 gbtmpcruise3 0 0 64 64
b_tmpfrigate gbtmpfrigate 0 0 64 64
b_tmpbattle gbtmpbattle 0 0 64 64
b_tmpspecial gbtmpspecial 0 0 64 64
b_tmpbattle2 gbtmpbattle2 0 0 64 64
b_tmpinterdic gbtmpinterdic 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcarrier gbtmpcarrier 0 0 64 64
b_tmpconst gbtmpconst 0 0 64 64
b_tmpfreight gbtmpfreight 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcargo gbtmpcargo 0 0 64 64
b_tmprepair gbtmprepair 0 0 64 64
b_tmpsuper gbtmpsuper 0 0 64 64
b_tmpbase gbtmpbase 0 0 64 64
b_tmpyard gbtmpyard 0 0 64 64
b_tmpyard2 gbtmpyard2 0 0 64 64
b_tmpturret gbtmpturret 0 0 64 64
b_tmpturret2 gbtmpturret2 0 0 64 64
b_tmptrading gbtmptrading 0 0 64 64
b_tmporbital gbtmporbital 0 0 64 64
b_tmpmining gbtmpmining 0 0 64 64
b_tmpsensor gbtmpsensor 0 0 64 64
b_tmpresear gbtmpresear 0 0 64 64
b_tmpresear2 gbtmpresear2 0 0 64 64
b_tmpupgrade gbtmpupgrade 0 0 64 64
b_tmpsuperbl gbtmpsuperbl 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod1 gbtmppod1 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod2 gbtmppod2 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod3 gbtmppod3 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod4 gbtmppod4 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod5 gbtmppod5 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod6 gbtmppod6 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod7 gbtmppod7 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod8 gbtmppod8 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod9 gbtmppod9 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod10 gbtmppod10 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod11 gbcarpod11 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod12 gbcarpod12 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod13 gbcarpod13 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod14 gbcarpod14 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod15 gbcarpod15 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod16 gbcarpod21 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod17 gbcarpod22 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod18 gbcarpod23 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod19 gbcarpod24 0 0 64 64
b_tmppod20 gbcarpod25 0 0 64 64
Now search for where it says:
"Special weapon buttons"
and underneath where it says:
b_gtmpcorrode gbtmpcorrode 0 0 64 64
b_gtmpdisrupt gbtmpdisrupt 0 0 64 64
b_gtmphom gbtmphom 0 0 64 64
b_gtmpprobe gbtmpprobe 0 0 64 64
b_gtmpscram gbtmpscram 0 0 64 64
b_gtmpshrg gbtmpshrg 0 0 64 64
b_gtmpwarp gbtmpwarp 0 0 64 64
b_gtmpweapjam gbtmpweapjam 0 0 64 64
b_tmpadvtar gbtmpadvtar 0 0 64 64
b_tmpcloak gbtmpcloak 0 0 64 64
b_tmpgenesis gbgen 0 0 64 64
b_momega gbfgenesis 0 0 64 64
Now scroll further down and find # Federation wireframes and paste this above it
# Starfleet wireframes
tmpscoutw1 WFtmpscout 0 0 256 256
tmpdestroyw1 WFtmpdestroy 0 0 256 256
tmpdestroy2w1 WFtmpdestroy2 0 0 256 256
tmpcolonyw1 WFtmpcolony 0 0 256 256
tmpcruisew1 WFtmpcruise 0 0 256 256
tmpcruise2w1 WFtmpcruise2 0 0 256 256
tmpassaultw1 WFtmpassault 0 0 256 256
tmpcruise3w1 WFtmpcruise3 0 0 256 256
tmpfrigatew1 WFtmpfrigate 0 0 256 256
tmpbattlew1 WFtmpbattle 0 0 256 256
tmpspecialw1 WFtmpspecial 0 0 256 256
tmpbattle2w1 WFtmpbattle2 0 0 256 256
tmpinterdicw1 WFtmpinterdic 0 0 256 256
tmpcarrierw1 WFtmpcarrier 0 0 256 256
tmpsuperw1 WFtmpsuper 0 0 256 256
tmpconstw1 WFtmpconst 0 0 256 256
tmpfreightw1 WFtmpfreight 0 0 256 256
tmpcargow1 WFtmpcargo 0 0 256 256
tmprepairw1 WFtmprepair 0 0 256 256
tmpbasew1 WFtmpbase 0 0 256 256
tmpyardw1 WFtmpyard 0 0 256 256
tmpyard2w1 WFtmpyard2 0 0 256 256
tmpsensorw1 WFtmpsensor 0 0 256 256
tmporbitalw1 WFtmporbital 0 0 256 256
tmpminingw1 WFtmpmining 0 0 256 256
tmpturretw1 WFtmpturret 0 0 256 256
tmpturret2w1 WFtmpturret2 0 0 256 256
tmptradingw1 WFtmptrading 0 0 256 256
tmpresearw1 WFtmpresear 0 0 256 256
tmpresear2w1 WFtmpresear2 0 0 256 256
tmpupgradew1 WFtmpupgrade 0 0 256 256
tmpsuperblw1 WFtmpsuperbl 0 0 256 256
16. Find the file named "" in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree folder and open it (use notepad).
Paste this into above the federation section
// ***[ STARFLEET SHIPS ]************************
tmpconst.odf 1 tmpbase.odf // construction ship
tmpfreight.odf 2 tmpbase.odf tmpmining.odf // mining freighter
tmpcargo.odf 2 tmpbase.odf tmptrading.odf // cargo ship
tmprepair.odf 2 tmpbase.odf tmpupgrade.odf // repair ship
tmpscout.odf 1 tmpyard.odf // scout (hermes class)
tmpdestroy.odf 1 tmpyard.odf // destroyer (akula class)
tmpdestroy2.odf 1 tmpyard.odf // destroyer (centaur class)
tmpcruise.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear.odf // cruiser (constitution class)
tmpcruise2.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear.odf // cruiser (constellation class)
tmpcruise3.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear2.odf // artillery (miranda class)
tmpcolony.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear.odf // colony ship (daedalus class)
tmpassault.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear2.odf // assault ship (soyuz class)
tmpbattle.odf 1 tmpyard2.odf // battleship (federation class)
tmpbattle2.odf 2 tmpyard2.odf tmpupgrade.odf // battleship (excelsior class)
tmpfrigate.odf 1 tmpyard2.odf // frigate (hyperion class)
tmpspecial.odf 2 tmpyard2.odf tmpresear2.odf // science ship (oberth class)
tmpsuper.odf 1 tmpsuperbl.odf // superweapon (armageddon class)
tmpinterdic.odf 0 // interdictor (thufir class)
tmpcarrier.odf 0 // carrier (shelly class)
// ***[ STARFLEET STATIONS ]*********************
tmpbase.odf 0 // starbase
tmpmining.odf 0 // mining station
tmporbital.odf 0 // orbital processing facility
tmpsensor.odf 1 tmpbase.odf // sensor array
tmpturret.odf 1 tmpbase.odf // phaser turret
tmpturret2.odf 1 tmpresear2.odf // photon turret
tmpyard.odf 1 tmpbase.odf // shipyard
tmpyard2.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear.odf // advanced shipyard
tmptrading.odf 1 tmpbase.odf // trading station
tmpresear.odf 1 tmpbase.odf // research facility
tmpresear2.odf 2 tmpyard.odf tmpresear.odf // science station
tmpupgrade.odf 2 tmpresear.odf tmpresear2.odf // ship upgrade station
tmpsuperbl.odf 3 tmpbase.odf tmpyard2.odf tmpresear2.odf // Project Genesis
tmppod1.odf 1 tmpresear.odf
tmppod2.odf 1 tmpresear.odf
tmppod3.odf 1 tmpresear.odf
tmppod4.odf 1 tmpresear.odf
tmppod5.odf 1 tmpresear.odf
tmppod6.odf 1 tmpresear.odf
tmppod7.odf 1 tmpresear2.odf
tmppod8.odf 1 tmpresear2.odf
tmppod9.odf 1 tmpresear2.odf
tmppod10.odf 1 tmpresear2.odf
tmppod11.odf 1 tmpupgrade.odf
tmppod12.odf 1 tmpupgrade.odf
tmppod13.odf 1 tmpupgrade.odf
tmppod14.odf 1 tmpupgrade.odf
tmppod15.odf 1 tmpupgrade.odf
tmppod16.odf 1 tmppod11.odf
tmppod17.odf 1 tmppod12.odf
tmppod18.odf 1 tmppod13.odf
tmppod19.odf 1 tmppod14.odf
tmppod20.odf 1 tmppod15.odf
// ***[ STARFLEET SPECIAL WEAPONS ]**************
tmpdetect.odf 1 tmppod1.odf // Tachyon Grid
gtmpprobe.odf 1 tmppod2.odf // Sensor Probe
gtmphom.odf 1 tmppod3.odf // Homing Torpedo
gtmpweapjam.odf 1 tmppod4.odf // Weapon Jammer
tmpadvtar.odf 1 tmppod5.odf // Advanced Targeting
gtmpwarp.odf 1 tmppod6.odf // Transwarp Engine
tmpcloak.odf 1 tmppod7.odf // Phase Cloak
gtmpshrg.odf 1 tmppod8.odf // Shield Regenerator
gtmpcorrode.odf 1 tmppod9.odf // Corrosive Swarm
gtmpdisrupt.odf 1 tmppod10.odf // Disruption Wave
tmpgenesis.odf 1 tmpgenpod.odf // Genesis Super Weapon
tmpgenpod.odf 0 // Genesis Weapon Pod
17. Find the file named "" in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree folder and open it (use notepad).
Paste into the top of
tmpscout.odf 0
tmpdestroy.odf 0
tmpdestroy2.odf 0
tmpcolony.odf 0
tmpcruise.odf 0
tmpcruise2.odf 0
tmpassault.odf 0
tmpcruise3.odf 0
tmpfrigate.odf 0
tmpbattle.odf 0
tmpspecial.odf 0
tmpbattle2.odf 0
tmpinterdic.odf 0
tmpcarrier.odf 0
tmpsuper.odf 0
tmpconst.odf 0
tmpcargo.odf 0
tmprepair.odf 0
tmpfreight.odf 0
tmpresear.odf 0
tmpresear2.odf 0
tmpupgrade.odf 0
tmppod1.odf 0
tmppod2.odf 0
tmppod3.odf 0
tmppod4.odf 0
tmppod5.odf 0
tmppod6.odf 0
tmppod7.odf 0
tmppod8.odf 0
tmppod9.odf 0
tmppod10.odf 0
tmppod11.odf 0
tmppod12.odf 0
tmppod13.odf 0
tmppod14.odf 0
tmppod15.odf 0
tmppod16.odf 0
tmppod17.odf 0
tmppod18.odf 0
tmppod19.odf 0
tmppod20.odf 0
tmpgenesis.odf 1 tmpgenpod.odf
tmpgenpod.odf 0
fconst3.odf 0
gtmpcorrode.odf 0
tmpadvtar.odf 0
tmpcloak.odf 0
gtmpdisrupt.odf 0
gtmpshrg.odf 0
tmpdetect.odf 0
gtmpprobe.odf 0
gtmphom.odf 0
gtmpwarp.odf 0
gtmpweapjam.odf 0
tmpyard.odf 0
tmpyard2.odf 0
tmpbase.odf 0
tmpturret.odf 0
tmpturret2.odf 0
tmpsensor.odf 0
tmptrading.odf 0
tmporbital.odf 0
tmpmining.odf 0
tmpsuperbl.odf 0
19. Locate the file named "weapon.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).
Search for where it says:
And underneath that add:
# Starfleet Phaser
tmpphaser tmpphaser 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
# Starfleet Torpedo
tmptorp tmptorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
# Probe
probe probe 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex2x2
20. Open the file named "starfleet" and "races" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/other folder and open them (use notepad).
At the bottom of races add
racex = "starfleet.odf" where x is the next consecutive number. At the top, increase numberOfRaces by 1
Note: this next step is only necesarry if you have additional races added into your game
Change the instant action slot number in starfleet to the number it will be after your other races. Be carefull, the game starts counting slots at 0 so it's probably 1 less than what you think it is.
That should do it! You should now have Starfleet working in your game and you can now enjoy all the ships from the TMP era.
Final note: I have included the shelley and thufir class within the mod, but they are not usable in the mod as it is. I intend to turn the Shelly into a carrier and the Thufir into an interdictor in further mods. If, however, you still want to use them, open upt the tmpyard2.odf and delete the // infront of them (they have not been balanced)
All SODs and associated textures are the work of the community:
Pizza the Hut for the oberth class, shelly class, federation class, centaur class, soyuz class, hyperion class, and construction ship
Terradyhne for the thufir class
Captain Fingers for the constellation class, sensor station, remmlar array mining station, and k7 trading station.
Interstellar Machine for his tmp steamrunner which I renamed to armageddon class
Sherman2 for the cargo ship
Willsk8forfood15 for his construction ship which I turned into a freightor
shadow_from_afc for copernicus station, outposts pack, and columbia class (which is the repair ship)
Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken for polaris starbase ( I retextured so it would fit in)
icewolf132 for his turret pack
Almirant Alan for the base
Beginner for the tmp ship pack (where I pulled the excelsior, miranda, akula, and hermes)
ragnar603 for his orbital mining station
FahreS for the advanced shipyard
Transmission for the shipyard
Jetfreak for his phasers
KaBoom1701 for his genesis device
I have links and readmes for all this amazing work in the readme folder
ODFs, AIPs, Build Buttons, Wireframes, Admiral's Log Pics - Me
Special Thanks to:
All who helped out my AIP problem on the forum thread (
The Armada 2 Community, without you, I would never have become interested in modding, and would never have compiled your amazing work into this mod. Thanks!
Version | 1.0 | Author | Texxx | Website | |
Downloads | 1,213 | Size | 29.16 MB | Created | 2009-03-01 |
Further to my previous comment, what exactly do I need to edit to solve my problem