Romulan War Mod Demo Romulan War Mod Demo

(17 votes)
Ch'Yu Chen, 2004-10-25

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the demo for the Romulan War mod. If you’re into pre-TOS or TOS, you’ll love this. Actually, this is more of an addon for the game than a TC. It adds two new races to the playing field: The pre-TOS Federation and their Romulan counterparts. They are all cannon scaled to the other stock races, which means that you’ll be dealing with several ships the size of a shuttle. They have weapon loadouts on a cannon scale, which means that they are a match for their counterpart, but, a single ship from any of the other races can wipe out half of a fleet. I took an eight fleet armada of pre feds against the feds from Ghosts comp mod, and my armada was picked off by the star base. The shield didn’t drop below 50% on any of their ships or stations, and then I gave up. Because of their total weakness, they can be wiped out by a nebula in one to two seconds. The resource costs do compensate for this, as your largest ship costs less than a stock defiant class. Also, the AI in the demo was not complete, as the enemy sat there with a base and a construction and proceeded to do nothing until I wiped them out. Also, the new races did not include race sounds, so there are no voice-overs. The worst part was that that you needed to manually install every file by hand. This causes a lot of frustration and a large margin of error, but, if you’re skilled enough, this can make the mod compatible with other mods.
Enough of the bad. Now on to the good. This mod is one of the best I’ve played in a long time. The ships were from an era never before done to any extent, and the realism I felt was very high. For those of you that ever read the novel Starfleet: Year One, this is a great recreation of that era. In my personal scale, I’d rate this demo just below the Borg Incursion series. I’m not going to give away too much of the game play, but this mod adjusts it from a “build strategically” to a “build lots of easily destroyed ships.” In other mods, this would be a downfall, but in this one, it properly reflects the idealism of the races.
This is a great mod that I recommend to everyone that frequents this site. It takes a lot of work to install, but this is well worth the work. The worst part of this mod is that it will never be finished. If you’re going to download one mod this month, download this.

Added author's upon request

Description by Ch'Yu Chen:

This mod is a simulation of Masao Okazaki's ideas of the romulan war.(
The highest priority is simulation and realism ,not fun, action or anything else.
You can't compare this mod to others, this one is different and you can't play against races from other mods,
because your ships are old and weak and you'll lose. Maybe I'll make an arcade-Version with increased ship-Power for playing against other races.
I didn't included race sounds, but I've made some. You can download stupid german SIW-sounds ("Sinnlos im Weltraum") separately, called German Voice Patch.
The romulan war has nothing to do with 'Enterprise'.
This mod is not planned to be finished.

Name : Romulan War (0.6) demo
Game : Star Trek Armada II
Author: Ch'Yu Chen
ICQ : 139592958
Date : 10.09.2004

Romulan War Mod V0.6 by Ch'Yu Chen

read install.txt and follow Instructions

known bugs:
Marienkäfer ;-)

Thanks to

-Masao Okazaki for the Starfleet Museum
-Terradyhne for his post war models
-Captain Future for his weapons
-Aphrodinoceros for his help with the website and the webspace
-Cor Calom
-SIW Crew

Questions, problems, suggestions, comments or anything elso to
All files are freeware, you can use them for yourself or for other Mod projects, but if you wan't to release
some of my files in your Mod so give me credits.
You're not allowed to take my material for commercial use.
Use my work at your own risk, I am in no way responsible for any damage or misconfiguration
that may happen to your computer as a result of my files.
My material is not made or supported by Activision or Mad Doc Software.

Version  0.5b  Author  Ch'Yu Chen  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,773  Size  11.25 MB  Created  2004-10-25 



#21 WerdBorg 2006-06-26 19:04
Could one of you modding gods refit or rebuild this file so that the moddingly challenged among us can install using an autoinstaller
#22 WerdBorg 2006-07-03 05:11
Now that I've finally figured out how to edit the files, I was able to get this mod working. More suggestions from me draw on seperating the 2 new races into four

e:g having 2150's ships,2200's ships for both sides becauseit spoils it for you when you want to re-enact the Rom-Earth War and 4 D-7 Battlecruisers show up

This Mod
#23 WerdBorg 2006-07-04 04:46
In no way in my E-Mail to you am I supporting Enterprise as a good trek series as I was waiting for the :borg: to assimilate the crew and put us out of our misery. I was just using it to demonstrate how easy it is to kill a fleet of ships from a previous century
#24 WerdBorg 2006-07-04 04:54
My Email didn't get through to D Sharp. In short I was agreeing with you about fleet actions
#25 WerdBorg 2006-08-28 19:59
First the build buttons only appeared the first time I installed and secondly you can fight the more modern speicies as my fleet of 100+ Archer class, 16 Tannhouser, 6 Pioneers and 2 yorktowns which firstly destroyed 1 shadow class with UES Worth, Archer class as the only fatality and took down a small group of 4 D'deridex Class warbirds with 20-35 losses mainly archers and when playing as the romulans I used 16 U-28's and their plasma weapon to obliterate a Borg diamond
#26 WerdBorg 2006-10-18 02:46
Right to all noobies I have found out why the ship images dont appear on the bar #####(4/9)#####

-open Sprites/gui_global.spr

-add "@include gui_pt.spr" below "sprite_table" (2nd line)

I selected the the whole of "@include gui_pt.spr" when in fact the solution was to only write @include gui_pt.spr. You have to miss off the inverted comma's :oops: Hpoe this helps all who have had trouble with it

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