Hirogen Full Race Hirogen Full Race

(10 votes)
Avon, 2010-11-07

Unexpected. That's the first thought that came to mind when I saw a Full race mod sitting in the files que. Full race mods can usually be seen coming a very long way off by breadcrumb trails of screenshots, teasers and ships leading up to a full release. This had little to cause any expectations of it being released. True, there were some screenshots released...

But that was in 2008. Avon says that he started this off when he was "laid up in bed ill" back then, and after tinkering with it occasionally he recently decided to finish it off and release it.

So, what do we have? Well, you've got the obligatory full set of ships and stations required to call this a race mod. The Hirogen like capturing things, and boy do they have a setup well suited to doing that. I suppose I shouldn't really spoil it, but the Hirogen have a special weapons outfit for capturing that puts the Klingons and the Borg combined to shame without being massively overpowered. They do balance in with the other stock races reasonably well. Also, thanks to the fact that some of the heavy warships that your likely to have with you in a battle are equipped with the tractor beam you actually do stand some prospect of keeping prizes taken from the enemy.

In addition to the high quality models & textures on the ships, there is also a pretty nice GUI as you can see from the screenshots, along with music, admirals log pictures, wireframes and a pretty good AI. All in all, this is an incredibly complete full race mod of a quality that many of us aspire to. It's certainly well worth grabbing a copy.

- Freyr

Hirogen Full Race add-on for STAR TREK ARMADA 2


Spread throughout the Delta Quadrant, the Hirogen are an ancient nomadic species with no fixed homeworld. Once a developed, and technologically advanced race, they have become brutal hunters who dedicate their existence to the ritual hunting of prey.
Travelling in small hunting packs, or clans, they view anyone crossing their path as potential prey to be hunted. The most important thing to a Hirogen is his trophy collection that adorns the walls of his ship, usually made up from artefacts and body parts taken from his prey........



Place all files in their relevent folders. To do this, simply extract the file Hirogen 1.0 to your desktop.

Inside this file, you will find folders with names that correspond to the folders in your Star Trek Armada2 main folder (located in your program files/Activision folder.)

Open each folder in turn, (remembering to open up any further folders inside as well), and copy and paste the files across to the appropriate folders in your Star Trek Armada2 main folder.

the main folders are named as follows:



This folder is for anyone running a clean instal with no other modifications. If you use these files (as well as the ones listed above), you should be pretty much done. Just add the events DAT and splash shown below.

If you are running a modded game, do NOT use this OPTIONAL FILES folder, as it could mess up your game. You will have to make the sprite, techtree, and odf entries manually. (See below)


Next in the Hirogen 1.0 folder you will see a DAT file named events. This just gives the Hirogen a few voices (just re-used klingon ones.)
Copy this file across to your Star Trek Armada2 main folder.

If you are running a modded game, you may not want to use this, as it could over-write some voices from your existing mod.
You can either leave it out, or open it and copy all of the hirogen entries across manually to your existing events DAT file.


Also in the Hirogen 1.0 folder you will see a file named splash. This again is optional, and will over-write your existing splash screen. If wanted, copy and paste to your Star Trek Armada2 main folder.


SPRITE ENTRIES (manual entry for modded games)

Open your sprite folder in your Star Trek Armada2 main folder.
Open gui_global. Scroll down to the bottom
of the federation build buttons and add:

# Hirogen build buttons

b_hirresear gbhirresearx 0 0 64 64
b_hirresear2 gbhirresearx2 0 0 64 64
b_hirorbital gbhirorbitalx 0 0 64 64
b_hirbase2 gbhirbase2x 0 0 64 64
b_hirmining gbhirminingx 0 0 64 64
b_hirsensor gbhirsensorx 0 0 64 64
b_hirturret gbhirturretx 0 0 64 64
b_hirturret2 gbhirturretx2 0 0 64 64
b_hirtrading gbhirtradingx 0 0 64 64
b_hiryard gbhiryardx 0 0 64 64
b_hiryard2 gbhiryardx2 0 0 64 64
b_hiryard3 gbhiryardx3 0 0 64 64
b_hirrelay gbhirrelayx 0 0 64 64
b_hirbase gbhirbasex 0 0 64 64

b_hirconst gbhirconstx 0 0 64 64
b_hirfreight gbhirfreightx 0 0 64 64
b_hircargo gbhircargox 0 0 64 64
b_hirrepair gbhirrepairx 0 0 64 64
b_hircolony gbhircolonyx 0 0 64 64
b_hirprobe gbhirprobex 0 0 64 64
b_hirprobe1 gbhirprobe1x 0 0 64 64
b_hirprobe2 gbhirprobe3x 0 0 64 64
b_hirprobe3 gbhirprobe4x 0 0 64 64
b_hirprobe4 gbhirprobe2x 0 0 64 64

b_hirscout gbhirscoutx 0 0 64 64
b_hirhunter1 gbhirhunter1x 0 0 64 64
b_hirhunter2 gbhirhunter2x 0 0 64 64
b_hirhunter3 gbhirhunter3x 0 0 64 64
b_hirhunter4 gbhirhunter4x 0 0 64 64
b_hirhunter5 gbhirhunter5x 0 0 64 64
b_hirassault gbhirassaultx 0 0 64 64
b_hirfrigate gbhirfrigatex 0 0 64 64
b_hirbattle gbhirbattlex 0 0 64 64
b_hirfig gbhirfigx 0 0 64 64
b_hirfig2 gbhirfig2x 0 0 64 64
b_hirdestroy gbhirdestroyx 0 0 64 64
b_hircruise gbhircruisex 0 0 64 64
b_hircruise2 gbhircruise2x 0 0 64 64
b_hircruise3 gbhircruise3x 0 0 64 64
b_hirwar gbhirwarx 0 0 64 64
b_hirspecial gbhirspecialx 0 0 64 64
b_hircarrier gbhircarrierx 0 0 64 64
b_hirtorp gbhirtorpx 0 0 64 64
b_hirbattle2 gbhirbattle2x 0 0 64 64

b_hirpod1 gbhirpod1 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod2 gbhirpod2 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod3 gbhirpod3 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod4 gbhirpod4 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod5 gbhirpod5 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod6 gbhirpod6 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod7 gbhirpod7 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod8 gbhirpod8 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod9 gbhirpod9 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod10 gbhirpod10 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod11 gbhirpod11 0 0 64 64
b_hirpod12 gbhirpod12 0 0 64 64


Now, still in your gui_global sprite file, scroll down to where it says:
# Special weapon buttons

Underneath this add the following:

b_ghirjam gbhirjam 0 0 64 64
b_ghirpd gbhirpd 0 0 64 64
b_ghirboost gbhirboost 0 0 64 64
b_ghirtorpedo gbhirtorpedo 0 0 64 64
b_ghir8472 gbhir8472 0 0 64 64
b_ghirenhance gbghirenhance 0 0 64 64
b_ghirtorpedo2 gbhirtorpedo2 0 0 64 64
b_ghirhologen gbhirhologen 0 0 64 64
b_ghirholoemt gbhirholoemt 0 0 64 64
b_ghirholo3 gbhirholo3 0 0 64 64
b_gshieldx gbshieldx 0 0 64 64
b_ghirtorpedo3 gbhirtorpedo3 0 0 64 64
b_gdrones2 gbdrones2 0 0 64 64
b_hircloak gbhircloak 0 0 64 64
b_hirtrans gbhirtrans 0 0 64 64


Next (still in your gui_global sprite file) scroll down to where it says # Ship Wireframes and add the following:

# Hirogen wireframes

hirhero1w1 hirhero1w 0 0 64 64
hirhero2w1 hirhero2w 0 0 64 64


hirresearw1 hirw1 0 0 128 128
hirresear2w1 hirw1 128 0 128 128
hirorbitalw1 hirw1 0 128 128 128
hirbase2w1 hirw1 128 128 128 128

hirminingw1 hirw2 0 0 128 128
hirsensorw1 hirw2 128 0 128 128
hirturretw1 hirw2 0 128 128 128
hirturret2w1 hirw2 128 128 128 128

hirtradingw1 hirw3 0 0 128 128
hiryardw1 hirw3 128 0 128 128
hiryard2w1 hirw3 0 128 128 128
hiryard3w1 hirw3 128 128 128 128

hirrelayw1 hirw4 0 0 128 128
hirbasew1 hirw4 128 0 128 128

hirpod1_s hirw5 0 0 128 128
hirpod2_s hirw5 0 0 128 128
hirpod3_s hirw5 128 0 128 128
hirpod4_s hirw5 128 0 128 128
hirpod5_s hirw5 0 128 128 128
hirpod6_s hirw5 0 128 128 128
hirpod7_s hirw4 0 128 128 128
hirpod8_s hirw4 128 128 128 128
hirpod9_s hirw4 0 128 128 128
hirpod10_s hirw4 0 128 128 128
hirpod11_s hirw4 128 128 128 128
hirpod12_s hirw4 0 128 128 128

hirconstw1 hirw5 128 128 128 128
hirfreightw1 hirw6 0 0 128 128
hircargow1 hirw6 128 0 128 128
hirrepairw1 hirw6 0 128 128 128
hircolonyw1 hirw6 128 128 128 128

hirprobew1 hirw7 0 0 128 128
hirprobe1w1 hirw7 128 0 128 128
hirprobe4w1 hirw7 0 128 128 128
hirprobe2w1 hirw7 128 128 128 128

hirprobe3w1 hirw8 0 0 128 128
hirbattlew1 hirw8 128 0 128 128
hirfigw1 hirw8 0 128 128 128
hirfig2w1 hirw8 128 128 128 128

hirscoutw1 hirw9 0 0 128 128
hirhunter1w1 hirw9 128 0 128 128
hirhunter2w1 hirw9 0 128 128 128
hirhunter3w1 hirw9 128 128 128 128

hirhunter4w1 hirw10 0 0 128 128
hirhunter5w1 hirw10 128 0 128 128
hirassaultw1 hirw10 0 128 128 128
hirfrigatew1 hirw10 128 128 128 128

hirdestroyw1 hirw11 0 0 128 128
hircruisew1 hirw11 128 0 128 128
hircruise2w1 hirw11 0 128 128 128
hircruise3w1 hirw11 128 128 128 128

hirwarw1 hirw12 0 0 128 128
hirspecialw1 hirw12 128 0 128 128
hircarrierw1 hirw12 0 128 128 128
hirtorpw1 hirw12 128 128 128 128

hirbattle2w1 hirw13 0 0 128 128


Finally in your gui_global sprite file, scroll right to the bottom of the page and add the following:

hirogen_icon gui_icon_hiro 0 0 64 64

You can now save and close this file.

WEAPONS SPRITE - (manual entry for modded games)

Still in the sprite folder of your Star Trek Armada2 main folder, open the file named weapon.

Scroll down to where it says:


Underneath add the following:

wartord2 wartord2 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Hirogen Photon torpedo
hphoton whirtorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Hirogen phaser
hphaser whirphas 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

# Hirogen Seeker Torpedo
whirseeker whirseeker 0 0 42 42 @anim=tex3x3

You can now save and close this file.

TECHTREE - (manual entry for modded games)

Open your techtree folder in your Star Trek Armada2 main folder.
Open fulltech and add the following at the top:

hirbase.odf 0
hirmining.odf 0
hirtrading.odf 0
hirbase2.odf 0
hirsensor.odf 0
hirturret.odf 0
hirturret2.odf 0
hirorbital.odf 0
hirresear.odf 0
hirresear2.odf 0
hiryard.odf 0
hiryard2.odf 0
hiryard3.odf 0
hirrelay.odf 0

hirpod1.odf 0
hirpod2.odf 0
hirpod3.odf 0
hirpod4.odf 0
hirpod5.odf 0
hirpod6.odf 0
hirpod7.odf 0
hirpod8.odf 0
hirpod9.odf 0
hirpod10.odf 0
hirpod11.odf 0
hirpod12.odf 0

hirconst.odf 0
hirfreight.odf 0
hircargo.odf 0
hirrepair.odf 0
hircolony.odf 0
hirprobe.odf 0
hirprobe1.odf 0
hirprobe2.odf 0
hirprobe3.odf 0
hirprobe4.odf 0
hirscout.odf 0
hirhunter1.odf 0
hirhunter2.odf 0
hirhunter3.odf 0
hirhunter4.odf 0
hirhunter5.odf 0
hirassault.odf 0
hirfrigate.odf 0
hirbattle.odf 0
hirfig.odf 0
hirfig2.odf 0
hirdestroy.odf 0
hircruise.odf 0
hircruise2.odf 0
hircruise3.odf 0
hirwar.odf 0
hirspecial.odf 0
hircarrier.odf 0
hirhero1.odf 0
hirhero2.odf 0
hirtorp.odf 0
hirbattle2.odf 0

gdetecthir.odf 0
gwarhead.odf 0
gwarhead2.odf 0
ghirpd.odf 0
ghirjam.odf 0
ghirboost.odf 0
ghir8472.odf 0
ghirtorpedo.odf 0
ghirenhance.odf 0
ghirtorpedo2.odf 0
ghirhologen.odf 0
ghirholoemt.odf 0
ghirholo3.odf 0
gshieldx.odf 0
ghirtorpedo3.odf 0
gdrones2.odf 0
hircloak.odf 0
hirtrans.odf 0

You can now save and close this file.

Still in your techtree folder, open tech1. Near the top of the page, just before where it says [ FEDERATION SHIPS ], add the following:

// ***[ HIROGEN SHIPS ]************************

hirconst.odf 0
hirfreight.odf 1 hirmining.odf
hircargo.odf 1 hirtrading.odf
hirrepair.odf 3 hirresear.odf hirresear2.odf hirrelay.odf
hircolony.odf 2 hirresear.odf hirbase2.odf
hirfig.odf 0
hirfig2.odf 1 hirpod1.odf
hirscout.odf 0
hirhunter1.odf 1 hiryard.odf
hirhunter2.odf 1 hiryard.odf
hirhunter3.odf 2 hiryard.odf hirpod1.odf
hirhunter4.odf 2 hiryard.odf hirpod4.odf
hirhunter5.odf 3 hiryard.odf hirpod1.odf hirpod4.odf
hirfrigate.odf 3 hiryard.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod4.odf
hirbattle.odf 3 hiryard.odf hirpod1.odf hirpod5.odf
hirbattle2.odf 4 hiryard.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod1.odf hirpod6.odf
hirprobe.odf 0
hirprobe1.odf 1 hirpod3.odf
hirprobe2.odf 1 hirpod3.odf
hirprobe3.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod3.odf
hirprobe4.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod3.odf
hirassault.odf 1 hiryard2.odf
hirdestroy.odf 2 hiryard2.odf hirpod1.odf
hircruise.odf 2 hiryard2.odf hirpod1.odf
hircruise2.odf 3 hiryard2.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod1.odf
hircruise3.odf 3 hiryard2.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod4.odf
hirwar.odf 3 hiryard2.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod6.odf
hirtorp.odf 2 hiryard2.odf hirpod9.odf
hirspecial.odf 3 hiryard2.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod4.odf
hircarrier.odf 4 hiryard2.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod4.odf hirpod6.odf
hirhero1.odf 0
hirhero2.odf 0

// ***[ HIROGEN STATIONS ]*********************

hirbase2.odf 0
hirmining.odf 0
hirsensor.odf 2 hirrelay.odf hirpod2.odf
hirturret.odf 1 hirbase2.odf
hirturret2.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod5.odf
hiryard.odf 1 hirbase2.odf
hiryard2.odf 1 hiryard.odf
hirresear.odf 1 hirbase2.odf
hirresear2.odf 2 hiryard.odf hirresear.odf
hiryard3.odf 1 hirpod3.odf
hirrelay.odf 1 hirpod2.odf
hirorbital.odf 0
hirtrading.odf 1 hirbase2.odf
hirbase.odf 3 hirbase2.odf hirresear2.odf hirpod5.odf
hirpod1.odf 1 hirresear.odf
hirpod2.odf 1 hirresear.odf
hirpod3.odf 2 hirpod1.odf hirresear.odf
hirpod4.odf 1 hirresear.odf
hirpod5.odf 1 hirresear.odf
hirpod6.odf 3 hirpod1.odf hirresear.odf hirpod4.odf
hirpod7.odf 1 hirresear2.odf
hirpod8.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod7.odf
hirpod9.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod8.odf
hirpod10.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod9.odf
hirpod11.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod10.odf
hirpod12.odf 2 hirresear2.odf hirpod11.odf

// ***[ HIROGEN SPECIAL WEAPONS ]**************

gdetecthir.odf 1 hirpod8.odf
gwarhead.odf 0
gwarhead2.odf 0
ghirpd.odf 1 hirpod9.odf
ghirjam.odf 0
ghirboost.odf 1 hirpod7.odf
ghir8472.odf 1 hirpod10.odf
ghirtorpedo.odf 1 hirpod9.odf
ghirenhance.odf 1 hirpod10.odf
ghirtorpedo2.odf 1 hirpod9.odf
ghirhologen.odf 1 hirpod11.odf
ghirholoemt.odf 1 hirpod11.odf
ghirholo3.odf 1 hirpod11.odf
gshieldx.odf 1 hirpod12.odf
ghirtorpedo3.odf 1 hirpod9.odf
gdrones2.odf 0
hircloak.odf 1 hirpod8.odf
hirtrans.odf 2 hirpod7.odf hirpod12.odf

You can now save and close this file.

ODF ENTRIES - (manual entry for modded games)

Go to your odf folder in your Star Trek Armada2 main folder. Open it and then open the folder named other.

Find a file named races and open it.

Add hiro.odf to the next avaiable slot on the list.
Remembering to leave the norace.odf slot at the end of the list (and re-numbering its race number)
Also remembering to re-number the numberOfRaces line at the top of the list. For example:

numberOfRaces = 9
race0 = "borg.odf"
race1 = "fed.odf"
race2 = "kling.odf"
race3 = "rom.odf"
race4 = "card.odf"
race5 = "fer.odf"
race6 = "species8472.odf"
race7 = "hiro.odf"
// this one is 'uninhabited' for planets
race8 = "norace.odf"

You can now save and close this file.

Still in your odf/other folder, you need to find the file named hiro.
Open it, and change the instantActionSlot number to one less than the race number listed in the races file.

For example, in the list from the races file shown above, hiro.odf is race7. So you would need to open hiro.odf, and change the instantActionSlot value to 6.


EDITOR MENU - (manual entry for modded games)

Still in your odf/other folder. Open your editmenu file and add:
e_hiro.odf to the list.

For Example:

menuName1 = "e_fed.odf"
menuName2 = "e_kling.odf"
menuName3 = "e_rom.odf"
menuName4 = "e_borg.odf"
menuName5 = "e_card.odf"
menuName6 = "e_hiro.odf"
menuName7 = "e_8472.odf"
menuName8 = "e_races.odf"
menuName9 = "e_mapobj.odf"
menuName10 = "e_misc.odf"
menuName11 = "e_planet.odf"
menuName12 = "e_specific.odf"

If all 12 slots are full, open your e_misc.odf folder and add the following as the next available lines:


For Example:

menuTitle = "Miscellaneous"
buildItem1 = "em_camp.odf"
buildItem2 = "em_suns.odf"
buildItem3 = "eh_comba.odf"
buildItem4 = "eh_comba2.odf"
buildItem5 = "eh_ncomb.odf"
buildItem6 = "eh_named.odf"
buildItem7 = "eh_stati.odf"
buildItem8 = "eh_rstat.odf"



Everything in this mod was created by me. If you wish to re-release my work in any format I would appreciate being asked first.
You can contact me at jax_0 at hotmail dot com.

Thanks, and hope you enjoy it.

*********************************************************************This is a freeware mod and not to be used for commercial gain. You instal this mod at your own risk. I will not be held resposable for crashes to your game.


Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager
(and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters,
related images, and sound from those productions. TM & (C) ACTIVISION & PARAMOUNT PICTURES


Version    Author  Avon  Website   
Downloads  1,298  Size  28.12 MB  Created  2010-11-07 



#11 CPTDainLawrence 2010-11-19 16:05
for the files that usually need edited in note pad for the instalation of a mod, all you need to do is drag the file to the desktop, edit it, save it, and drag it back to the location it is supposed to be. That's how i have to do it, and i have windows vista.
#12 Gazza1230 2011-07-20 15:06
I installed all files orrectly but when i go to play STA2, i can find hirogen in the race drop down

#13 Limon36 2011-10-17 21:04
I wish there were more yard like that one because it look a yard and star base put together!

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