Ferengi Salvage Team
This mod adds the Ferengi as a playable race
Clever story also:
Ever wonder what happened to all those ships the Ferengi have stolen?
Well The Ferengi Salvage Team has been re-building them. They have
waited in the shadows , Now with their fleet and some of the Armada
ships. They have launched an Attack on the rest of the Armada
World...and they didn't come to play...they came to destroy.
The ferengi will never be looked at the same way again.
Excellent idea, and definetl y worth a download

Ferengi Salvage Team Mod
by Warborg
This read me file will be in several sections:
I Introduction
II Installation Instructions
III Misc. Information
IV Credits
V Legal stuff
I Introduction
1) Storyline
Ever wonder what happened to all those ships the Ferengi have stolen?
Well The Ferengi Salvage Team has been re-building them. They have
waited in the shadows , Now with their fleet and some of the Armada
ships. They have launched an Attack on the rest of the Armada
World...and they didn\'t come to play...they came to destroy.
The ferengi will never be looked at the same way again.
2) My story
I personally like this Mod more then the Andromeda Mod. I started to
learn how to build buttons and wireframes on this Mod , so please
tolerate the \'inperfect\' artwork. The last time I check this Mod
was 9Mb unzipped (it may grow as I piece together missing files
in my final test). The reason why this \'complete\' add-on Mod is
small is because half of the ships in the Ferengi force are
stolen from the other races...which means you already have them.
This Mod of course will be compatable with the Dominion Mod
(from Dominion\'s Clan\'s Mod v 1.1) and my Andromeda Conversion Mod. I
will have a few options so it won\'t matter if you do or don\'t have them.
I can\'t guarantee the game will work if you mix it with other Mods.
I heard about an automatic Mod loader. I don\'t know anything about this.
Since I have options in this Mod I personally would advise against
using it or use it at your own risk.
II Installation Instructions
NOTE: Because this Mod has options , everyone (even Modders) will need to
pay close attention here. I will have the standard folders that will
have to be copied and pasted no matter what option you choose.
Then you will have choose what option you want to finish and complete
your installation.
1) Standard folders
a) Open all the odf, Ai , Sod , Sprites , techtree , bitmaps , sound ,
misc and tga folders until you come to the files , copy and paste them
to your game in the same places. If it asks you to overwrite...it\'s ok ,
click yes(this is for all files in this mod. I had to re-write the other
ferengi in the game).
Note: I used the old Klingon Battle Cry theme for the ferengi Mod ( it was an
option in the Andromeda Mod). I didn\'t have time to find anything else and it
seemed to go really well with it.
b) Copy events and dynamic_localized_strings
(in the main folder to the main folder).
2) The Optional folders
Note: you must choose one
a) I will list what the name of these folders are (just below). When
you choose your folder you will open them until you get to the files,
you must them copy and paste them to your odf/other folder (inside).
1) The WODWOA folder means: without Dominion and without Andromeda.
Choose this folder if you don\'t have them.
2) The WDWOA folder means with Dominion and without Andromeda.
Choose this folder if you have Dominion but don\'t have Andromeda.
3) The WODWA folder means without Dominion and with Andromeda.
Choose this folder if you don\'t have Dominion but have Andromeda.
4) The WDWA folder means with the Dominion and with the Andromeda.
Choose this folder if you have both the Dominion and Andromeda.
Please be careful when selecting , they all look similar. The game may crash
upon loading if you choose the wrong one. Also they need to be used in the
above order. (ex. you can\'t choose with the Dominion ,then load mine then
later download the Dominion...unless you know how to edit certain files)
b) This one is purely optional , if your tired of the officier limit ,
copy and paste the RTS_CFG to your main folder. I set the officier
limit to 9999. If not... Don\'t copy it.
III Misc. Information
Known bugs
1) The race icon in Admiral\'s log is not working . I held off
releasing this Mod in the hopes that someone would help me with
this problem , but nobody would or could help me :(
2) The Ferengi wireframes may not show damage to the ships. I\'m still
learning wireframes (sorry).
Here\'s some that are not bugs
1) The second shipyard \'builds\' the ships outside. I thought it looked ugly
having them come out of a solid shipyard...and these are suppose to be
rebuilt ships not from scratch.
2) There is not many voices for the Ferengi. I decided they seem more evil
with laughing most of the time. Plus I couldn\'t find good Ferengi sounds.
3) Not all the stolen ships are used. Sorry , from my point of view I
didn\'t want to have 30+ ships on the Ferengi roster. The Ferengi\'s
view point was the smaller ships would cost to much to fix so they
used and sold them to fix the battleships.
4) I have 2 Federation ships and no species 8472 ships. Sorry , You
can\'t beam aboard a species 8472 ship. At first I was going to say
mind control , but I decided against it.
5) No research on the special weapons. Sorry , I\'ve never been big on
researching weapons.
6) Some of the stolen ships don\'t have any special weapons. The
Ferengi are not smart enough to get all the special weapons working.
A final Note on running this Mod: It will not work with options such
as free tech or capture the flag. Only standard tech in Instant Action.
(the basic)...and please restart your computer before running this Mod
so everything settles in better.
IV Credits
Construction ship - done by Ben Maxwell
Bronta class - done by Cmd Risotoni
Eemax class - done by Ben Maxwell
Goront class - done by Cmd Risotoni
Colony ship - done by Cmd Risotoni
Tokron class - done by Cmd Risotoni
Marauder class - A2 game ship
Diamon class - done by Ben Maxwell
Cargo Ship - A2 game ship
Repair ship - done by Cmd Risotoni
Stolen Ships - A2 game ships
Ferengi Base - Gleacer
Ferengi Base/Shipyard - The Great one
Stolen Stations - A2 game stations
Buttons/wireframes -A2 game ,Cmd Risotoni ,Ben Maxwell ,
Gleacer and Myself
Also Thanks to Methos and Quevey...and anyone else thats helped me
along the way :)
If I left anyone off or made an error , please let me know so I can
correct my error. Thank you everyone who worked on these models.
V. Legal Stuff
This Mod was not made by nor is it supported by Activision.
I in no way shape or form intended to steal anyone\'s ideas or work.
I don\'t have a problem if anyone wants to use this mod and change it
and give it away. Just mention all the names above in the credits...and me.
This Mod shall not be sold in any manner.
Thank you.
Please email me at:
For Questions
Version | Author | WarBorg | Website | ||
Downloads | 3,965 | Size | 3.46 MB | Created | 2002-09-27 |
My 2 standard rules for installing Mods is to always read the read me file for special loading instructions....and go back and re-copy the files again
There are 2 Dominion Mods out there.
Guest- Np , glad you like it.
also, is there a way of releasing a version of this mod so it's compatable with Borg Incursion 2?
Don't hold your beath on a publicly released compatable mod with Borg Incursion 2. If you email me I may try to help you make this possible.
I've been taking a long break from modding, that's why I have not been here in awhile. I went over a year straight of modding (A1 then jumped on A2)
Freengi: Trade with us now or your you will be destroyed! *Evil ferengi laugh*
Ferengi: *Kills borg* *Evil Ferengi Laugh*