Dominion Ultimate Extention Patch (EXE) Dominion Ultimate Extention Patch (EXE)

(52 votes)
STGamerNew2002, 2005-10-22

This is a patch for Dominion Ultimate mod (in a .exe installer that allows you to install it very quickly and easily)

Well, It seems that there has been such a BIG, LONG continous requests for a patch to be made that will
incorporate all mods from the ‘Torpedo/Bomber ship’ up to 1.3.1 patches. After many ‘discussions’, confusion and
STUBBORNEST of ‘learning the good old’ regular way, I have come to some half-way agreement for all to make this COMPLETE
patch to please BOTH types of gamers(especially those who just 'can't do it'). You should be able to play the
Dominion and Breen races COMPLETELY and CRASH FREE with this mod now!



Greetings! Well, It seems that there has been such a BIG, LONG continous requests for a patch to be made that will
incorporate all mods from the ‘Torpedo/Bomber ship’ up to 1.3.1 patches. After many ‘discussions’, confusion and
STUBBORNEST of ‘learning the good old’ regular way, I have come to some half-way agreement for all to make this COMPLETE
patch to please BOTH types of gamers(especially those who just 'can't do it'). You should be able to play the
Dominion and Breen races COMPLETELY and CRASH FREE with this mod now!

What has been added/updated in this 1.4 patch are:

1) A New Dominion ship: Advanced Dominion Battleship
2) A new weapon call 'Dominion Plasma Torpedo'
3) ALL files included from 'Torpedo/Bomber' ship up to 1.3.1 patches
4) The Breen's CORRECTED Icon in the gui_breen.spr file
5) NEW Dominion Workbee ship(nice little BUILDER)

What has NOT been included in this 1.4 patch* are:

1) Advance Dominion Fortress
2) New Dominion Transwarp Gate
3) Additional Dominion Stations(Outpost and Ketracel-White' Mining Facility Station)
4) NEW Nova Laser Cannon Turret/Weapon
*These will be available in the Dominion Stations COMPLETE(version 1.4.1) mod*

Again, continue to enjoy my mods and "VICTORY is LIFE!"


This is a EXE PROGRAM mod and should be installed/place into your Star Trek Main directory in this way
(or whatever your game has been installed at):

C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II


YOU MUST HAVE these mods installed already for the game to run smoothly: the regular game and its’ 1.1 patch and
the DOMINION ULTIMATE 1.1 EXE mod!* This mod was made for BOTH the ‘Newbies’ and ‘Game Purist’, so this should
satisfy just about ALL(but I can not promise IT WILL COMPLETELY)!

'*' - Some files may/will be OVERWRITTEN like; events.dat,,,,,
races.odf, AIP/Ai files, gui_global.spr, weapons.spr, *.cfg & *.spr files THAT you may not/may have already
edited/modified for personal reasons/usage, so back up your files first before installing! Most files in here
are from the STOCKED GAME folders, so if you have any PERSONAL EDITED/MODIFIED files in your game, they WIL BE REPLACED
and converted to almost the BASIC set-up of the game! I strongly suggest that you DO YOUR OWN EDITING/MERGING of YOURS
and THESE files if you do not want your files/game changed(if you're a EXPECT in editing files and KNOW what you're doing
- cool)! For the NEWBIES who do not know how to EDIT/MODIFIY your game, understand that YOU WILL BE RISKING this
installation and I will NOT BE HELD FULLY responsible for anything you do AFTER you install this and play it!

so you install this at your OWN RISK!!!

If anyone SERIOUSLY needs to contact me, my e-mail is: :-)


All previous modders from the VERY FIRST 'Dominion Ultimate 1.1' mod up to 1.3.1 patch - I graciously THANK YOU!

STGamerNew2002(some updated designed texture files in this mod)
Achilles(for making the NEWEST Dominion Workbee sod)
Iggy (how you helped me so GREAT!)
Michael Pantner (The founder of 'Dominion Race' mod)
Kleotol (A cool person to chat with)
Westworld (a GREAT book to have)
AdmXtalSparks (the person who started/inspired ME to 'early mod making'!)
Agroborg (another great person who helped)
Iron Fist
Captain Future
'Book' (cool kid)
Capt Fingersai
Michael Raab (much help with his ideas/designs)
Street Soap
Greg Plautz (A.K.A. Mr. Greg or Stingray)
USS Capital
Michael Kelly
Ben Maxwell
Ch'Yu Chen (Dominion GUI Screen designs)
Heiko Fischer
Mega Modder
LeOmAn(Founder's Yacht mod)
Lt_Commander(GREAT job he done!)
The CREATORS of 'Real Trek' Mod (for the 'Advanced Dominion Warship' files - Deemon?)
(some of the listed modders may not be around for availablity, but I still HONORED their fantastic work.
If I still missed anyone here, PLEASE CONTACT me and let me know!)

Much SPECIAL "THANKS"/APPRECIATION to these modders:
STGamerNew2002(me) - continous designing/modding ideas
Achilles - for ‘past pushing me’ to do this and still BEING THERE!
Major Payne - for being a very helpful always(in his OWN little way)
Michael Raab - VERY COOl modder to work with and super guy!
The Staff and Crew of - for their continuing downloading website of resourceful
Arm I & Arm II files & their services - "LIVE LONG and PROPSER!"

and - Activision(for releasing the STAR TREK:Armada I & II games)!

Version  1.4  Author  STGamerNew2002  Website   
Downloads  11,303  Size  213.39 MB  Created  2005-10-22 



#21 TobinGrey 2006-02-19 12:21
Well.. its been about a year since I looked at this mod.. and with a few emails and assistance from STGamerNew2002 I was able to make it work just fine. The biggest thing to remember is this mod was created by him with a lot of time invested just because he wanted to do it. Not something made for profit. Not something made to drive a point. And he shared it with the masses, something he didn't have to do. For those that have had problems and demanded he fix them... get a life, do some work yourself, whatever. This mod was/is an excellent source for a newbie to learn modding with. For those that insist there are NO errors or problems... well, your scope of game play must be narrow to not have experienced them. The mod itself has been completely playable... STGamerNew2002 never promised anything about the rest of the game being uneffected. In fact he encouraged backing up your game prior to any mods. And finally, FYI, the principle problems in game play are not related to the Dominion files themselves but rather to bits and pieces of old mods that had been added/removed in the STA2 directory prior to or during the creation proceess of the Dominion Ultimate mod. Trace the file paths and restore the other races settings to the game originals and you'll have a pure game with the dominion and breen added just fine. I did it a year ago and the experience taught me a great deal about modding. So ALL I can really say is Thank You to STGamerNew2002 for his mod and help...
#22 STGamerNew2002 2006-03-05 09:25
Thank you, kline, for your posting. And especially THANK YOU, TobinGrey, for your AMAZING compliments and thoughts too! You had said many things that are basically TRUE. Just been doing exactly in all the times I've been here and learning myself about modding. To see my expereinces reached to THIS LEVEL of the game is simply AMAZING! Again, I thank you two and ALL others who has supported me and the mods I made(with the great help of others who was part of too). ;-)
#23 kline 2006-03-10 16:29
You're welcome STGamer I really hope you have the time to make another patch or mod for that matter. I now play against the computer with the other races and I love how quick the dominion and breen advance . They come at you with full force. Still lovin those founder yatchs lolRock
#24 valiantofficer 2006-05-27 13:15
"Just like what the Female Founder would say to Weyoun "My loyal Weyoun - the only SOLID I have ever TRUSTED...." Greathor - I once again HONORED and APPRECIATE your CONTINOUS admiration/support of my mods. You are that 'loyal Vorta' to me."

'~You know what he is calling you? His dog. Lol.~'-Valiantofficer
#25 STGamerNew2002 2006-06-06 19:10
Maybe in YOUR 'universe' you SEE THAT as, but the ones who KNOWS REALLY what's 'up on this' - they KNOW the 'truth' :P
#26 MadLocutus 2006-10-18 06:48
Hi there great mod STG, I love the ships for dominion and the breen, hehe now I can try and find a DS9 mod so I can have some wars between Feds Klingon and Dominion Cardies and Breen again. :D

Anyway I find when somethings destroyed the debris from that ship stays around a lot longer than usual(around half a min, when before it was around about 5secs), well I find it a little annoying after a while especially when you're getting loads of borg cubes destroyed, I'd like to change it but I don't know how, how can I get it back to the way it was before?
#27 F_Bobby 2006-10-26 07:45
anyoen else have a problem with the Dominion Bomber ships fireing at nothing when they lose line of sight on their target? I.E. they are fireing at an orbital mining station and when it orbits to the far side of the planet, instead of coming around the planet to regain sight on it they just start firing towards the norht east corner of the map everytime.

other that that. this is a SWEEEEET mod. i stayed up late last night testing it out to see how well the dominion really worked and i have to say i really like them, even if they are a bit overpowered IMO. Example. a Squadron of 16 attack Ships managed to take out 6 defiant class ships, 4 akira class ships, 3 or 4 intrepid class ships, 4 balaxy class ships and 4 soverign class ships before I sent the back to the shipyard to repairs. and i still had 6 left in various states of damage. but still they managed to take out approx 22 ships and only lose a little over half their ships.

once again great job.
#28 STGamerNew2002 2008-03-31 12:18
Just to post up NEW info: I may be making and releasing another mod that will fall under The Dominion. I've gotten some help/permission from Yacuzza and I hope you guys will enjoy it. It's more abit of 'design improvements' and some odf changes, but still gonna be a great one(hopefully). So be on the lookout for it! :-)
#29 112joesam 2008-04-16 11:27
Hey, i think ive download everyone of your files and they are all exelent, But when the next mod expected to be released? I really don't like waiting, but for your next mod, i'll be patient!
#30 viperchrisz4 2008-10-19 11:32
Uh were there supposed to be TMP era federation ships and such in this mod? I noticed ship names like miranda and excelsior in the game files but not actually in the game..? Did I do something wrong on install or..? Not sure cause the rest of the mod works perfect

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