Dominion Ultimate 1.1 Update Patch
This is an update of the excelent Dominion Ultimate (1.1) by STGamerNew2002. It includes upgraded features that make the dominion stronger in battles. In this update, build times are faster, and the ships and stations are stronger, however it dosent overpower the other races that much. The dominion have there own transporter effects, the science ship is equipped with new weapons: Dominion Transcoherent Phasers, Dominion Sensor Jamming Systems(different color effect) and KETRACEL-WHITE Boost Enhancer!
This file has alot of cool updates for this already fine mod, and is certainly worth the time to download!
DOMINION ULTIMATE UPDATE Patch (version 1.1 exe) by STGamerNew2002.
Greetings! This is the UPDATE patch for the 'Dominion Ultimate 1.1' mod.
This includes upgraded features to make the Dominion more STRONGER in battles.
What has been upgraded are:
1) Faster building time and stronger health/hull of ships and stations(but not to OVER BALANCE
in gameplay of other races).
2) Dominion's own TRANSPORTER effect graphics(light purple color effect)
3) The Science ship is equipped with new weapons: Dominion Transcoherent Phasers, Dominion
Sensor Jamming Systems(different color effect) and KETRACEL-WHITE Boost Enhancer!
4) The Frigate Ship has its' own 'Weapons Enhanced' graphic effects(in purple color).
5) The Warship is equipped with new weapon: Dominion Plasma Disruption Beam.
6) The Dreadnaught is equipped with new weapon: Dominion Repulsion Wave(different color effect)
7) The Founder's Yacht is equipped with 2 new weapons: Dominion Sensor Jamming Systems and Dominion
Nova Shock Phasers(that can fire up to 6 targets).
8) Another Dominion Turret: Dominion Nova Shock Cannon(you can replace 'dturret2' with 'dturret3'
if you choose to do so, but it's a more powerful turret with multiple targeting systems).
9) Different/designed Build and Weapon buttons(designed by ME) & updated viewscreen
10) Dominion can collect and trade Latinum.
11) Dominion Logo shown in ship's info screen
12) Dominion's Cargo ship can receive the drug needed for the Jem'Hadar called: Ketracel-White('White').
Again, continue to enjoy my mod and "VICTORY is LIFE!"
This is a self-extraction program and should directed into your Star Trek Main directory
(wherever it may be in your PC):
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II
YOU MUST HAVE these mods installed already: the regular game's 1.1 patch, the DOMINION ULTIMATE 1.1 exe
mod AND any previous Dominion ships & stations mods made by STGamerNew2002 pre-installed before adding this
'*' - Some files may be OVERWRITTEN like; events,,, gui_global.spr, weapons.spr,
*.cfg & *.spr files THAT you may already edited/modified, so back up your files first before
installing if you done personal changes already! If you're a EXPECT in editing files and don't want your
personalized files changed, then I suggest to back-up your personilzed modified files and do
what you know best in EDITING!
so you install this at your OWN RISK!
If anyone needs to contact me, my e-mail is: :-)
All previous modders from the 'Dominion Ultimate 1.1' exe mod - I graciously THANK YOU and
for Activision for releasing the STAR TREK:Armada I & II games! If I forgotten anyone else who
contributed, please LMK and you'll get credited too.
Additional Credits:
FileTrekker(all the assistance)
Iron Fist(Nova Cannon)
Cygnis Prime(Transcoherent Phasers)
Greg Plautz (A.K.A. Mr. Greg or Stingray)
DarkGob(new Dominion ingame voices)
Ch'Yu Chen(Dominion GUI + Buttons - GREAT job on them!)
Activision for all the STAR TREK games they released in the past and present.
Version | Author | STGamerNew2002 | Website | ||
Downloads | 8,375 | Size | 143.08 MB | Created | 2003-12-21 |
If you're running XP in your PC, then you have to go deeper into finding out this problem. I haven't have any complaints from other and they had older OS before XP.
and oen other thing that Jem Hadar bomber weapon and its ability to target 5 different ships at once, is there a way to add that to another ship?