Concept : Future Alliance Race Concept : Future Alliance Race

(15 votes)
Concept: Future, 2003-02-09

This is the next release from the Concept : Future mod - includes ships from the Cardassians, Breen, Dominion, Sona and the Ferengi. This is the racee that will be used in the final version of the mod! - Great, Download!!

------------------------------Concept : Future Alliance Addon version 1.00 (for Armada 2)-----------------------------------


If you have any suggestions for Concept : Future or if you need any help/support with this mod please email me at

How to Install
What’s in the mod
Fixed Bugs
Other Discrepancies

This is the readme for Concept : Future Alliance Addon Version 1.00
This zip includes the Alliance side that will be used in the completed Concept : Future mod.

This mod contains only the ships for the Alliance so that the ships may be used against the other races in instant action. (there’s still a problem with the fed and Alliance AI) If you have the fed addon you will have edited objectives for the fed single player missions – the Aliiance do not have any missions. (One of the objectives gets too long and is messed up on screen (on of the fed ones) but I haven’t got the time to figure it out and change it at the moment)

If you have an unmodded armada2 then just open the zip folder and then open the exe file and they should be installed with a minimum amount of trouble – however the armada that you install it onto must be completely unmodded – (I think that also means that the patch may not be installed)

Alternatively if you have the first conceptfuture fed addon and have modding experience then open zip, then the exe and open the folder called 'For installing if you already have fed addon v101' and transfer those files to where they should go. Then you will be able to play as the Alliance and the Federation.

Please mail me if you got any problems with the installation.
(sorry about having to install it manually, but the auto-installers just over-ride all of the files – some people like this – but when ever I use one it over-rides something that I want!)

Note - if you want to keep any of the Cardassian data since before this installation I suggest that you back it up. A lot of the data will stay – but there are a few files that have to be edited for the game to work properly with the mod.


It's been nine years and seven months since the crew of Voyager brought her home safely, and thirteen years after the Enterprise successfully defended Sector 001 against another Borg threat.
Since that time the alpha quadrant has been a little quiet in general following the end of the war with the Dominion. The Alpha quadrant has seen minor skirmishes between the Klingon Empire and it's various foes because of it's undying need for violence and death, the war between the Borg and Species 8472 did soften for a while after Admiral Janeway returned from the past to recover Voyager and to destroy the Borg's central command functions. But since then the Borg re-formed with a new, unknown, leader, rampaging through the delta quadrant, discovering new technologies that were previously unknown to them, they have become even more powerful, with the same central idea as before - perfection - at any cost. The Dominion retreated to the Gamma quadrant for a few years, while they rebuilt their ships. Then in 2380 they entered the Alpha quadrant again through the wormhole guarded by Deep Space 9. There was a battle and many people lost their lives.
However the Dominion were successful in getting a few ships into the Alpha quadrant before destroying DS9. Then though the Dominion fleet managed to get behind Cardassian borders where they struck a deal with the Cardassians who have hated them since their parting of ways after the Dominion war. The Dominion have since engaged in a trade-resources agreement with the Breen, the Cardassians, a few Kazon ships thrown across space by an anomaly, the Son’a and the Ferengi. Ultimately this created the Alliance, a very powerful and strong fleet capable of crippling many Federation ships easily.
In that time all the major powers of the quadrant have waited for a power struggle, building their fleets in anticipation... In recent years the Federation and Starfleet have managed to rebuild their fleet to its entirety, introducing new and improved starships, derived from technologies gained from the Delta quadrant and from the Gamma quadrant, to deal with the threat of other malicious species in the Galaxy. The invention of Slipstream drive has meant that the Federation has expanded to cover more than one third of the Milky Way, and that it has managed to recover new types of metal and technologies. Their new fleet includes the Eximus Class - a destroyer, the Prometheus Class - which while older than a few other ships, is still the most powerful ship in the fleet armed with shield destroying torpedoes, a Slipstream drive and multi quantum torpedo launchers and phasor banks, as well as the introduction of ablative armor on the intrepid class of vessel. There were attempts made by Starfleet to adapt the armor for other classes of ship, but it proved to be impracticable on other classes of vessels. Since then the Borg have attempted many times to assimilate technology that has originated from another quadrant or from the future, but each time they have failed. They only ever gained this type of technology once, when the assimilated an intrepid class of vessel...
But in the immediate past the Federation and it's ships have seen phases in and out of our time, space and continuum, or universe. Theorists have thought of many ideas about why this is happening, such as Parallel universes, Q, even Voyager was examined, but her Captain's older self was not to blame. The Federation are becoming more desperate to find out why, where and to who else this might be happening to. Recently, and most seriously a Romulan warbird was phased out of time and space and it re-appeared inside of a sovereign class vessel two days later, destroying both ships. So as a result of this and other factors Starfleet, the Romulan Empire, the Borg (even the Klingons believe this is an honourable quest) and all the other major powers in Alpha and Beta quadrants have been ordered by their governments to investigate this problem, by firstly travelling to the source of the time-space shifting, on the fringes of the galaxy...

I have edited the missions to the best that I can and there is a storyline there - I only think that it would have been more interesting if I could have edited the missions properly. Also the answer to what is causing the disruptions is at the end of the missions – but anyone who can mod can find the answer in one of the mod files. (I won’t tell it’s too easy enough). I don’t really like the story’s ending – so I think that I’ll edit it for the next one – mail me bout it with any comments or ideas!

If you need any help/support with this mod please email me at

This mod has been created mainly from ships that were already in existence before this mod was made; please see the credits part at the end of this document for all acknowledgments for all who’s generosity in letting me use their creations allowed this mod to exist.

LIST OF ADDITIONS / REPLACEMENTS made in the Alliance addon version 1.00

Alliance Side –

Breen Cruiser
Dominion Bug was created to replace the first small Cardassian fighter (cant remember the name)
Dominion Dreadnaught
Dominion Shipyard
Dominion Warship
Cardassian Drill Class
Ferengi Frenth Class
Cardassian Hybrid Class
Ferengi Tokron Class
Kazon Fighter and Ogla
Sona Battleship
Sona Cruiser
Ferengi Tokron Class
BattleShip Vorta
Small Dominion Battleship
I think that’s all of them – spot any problems in the read-me? – then just mail me what’s wrong!

If anyone sees that anything is missing or not right in the mod, please mail me -

Other discrepancies in Version 1.01

The AI of the Alliance is still not right – I am working on this and if you have any idea please mail me!

Some of the wire-frames still have a black background rather than a transparent one – but I think that that’s a minor problem.
The problem is in the alpha channels and maybe one or two is compressed I think – but I cannot get it right – so if you correct it mail me.

The Cardassian first shipyard has been changed to a Dominion one and the repair hp is a bit weird – doesn’t change the gameplay though.

Also I have not changed the bmp of the shipyard that is displayed at the end of a game – this is because I wanted to get the mod out in time – it’ll be right in the full version.


CREDITS - alphabetical order (kinda) by Ship Class
All odfs were created/edited by concept:future unless otherwise stated
Also most of the wire frames and a lot of the build buttons were created by conceptfuture.

Breen Cruiser was created by *unknown*
Wireframe by conceptfuture
Odf, weapons and all other modifications made by Matrix-Virus

Dominion Bug
By 1stJemHadar

Dominion Dreadnaught
By Agroborg
Weapons by conceptfuture

Dominion Shipyard
By Ben Maxwell
Wireframe and odf by conceptfuture

Dominion Warship
By Challenger (
Build Button/wireframe edited by conceptfuture
Odf edited by conceptfuture

Cardassian Drill Class
By Ben Maxwell

Ferengi Frenth Class
Build Button, wireframe and odf by conceptfuture
SOD by unknown

Cardassian Hybrid Class
By Terradyhne
Antimatter torpedo texture from Quevey
Dominion weapons, shipImage and wireframe and odf by conceptfuture

Ferengi Tokron Class
Build Button, Wireframe and odf by conceptfuture
SOD by *Unknown*

Kazon Fighter and Ogla
Textures/Sod – Captain Picard
Original by - Omega1989
Edited by - concepfuture

Sona Ships by
Also : Porty, for the very nice build buttons, wire frames, and admirals log pictures. And Westworld, for his alternate shipyard sod and texture.

Ferengi Tokron Class

BattleShip Vorta
By Borg124
Build Button, wireframe created by conceptfuture

Small Dominion Battleship
Created by Ben Maxwell

I think that’s all of them – if I’ve missed credit out for one please mail me! And sorry if there’s a mistake anywhere in the mod – I’m only human!

Ships used in Borg Incursion - Credits should also go to Deemon, Westworld, Quevey, and Starforce2 as well as Lord Bile, Raven NX and Mind Blip for their inspirations.

Also I want to thank Porty7 for his help with sorting out some of the wireframes
And Porty and Steve Wilson for help with the Ai

As well as Jkerplay, Chris D, Omega1989 and Anthony Thompson for trying to help with the AI

Also thanx to Matrix-Virus for helping with the mod and being the first proper member of the conceptfuture!

The Dominion Dreadnaught class is meant to be there at the start when playing as the Alliance, I decided that having something bigger than a scout would make more sense as you could defend the base. When I create and release the other sides – the Borg for example will have the advanced tactical cube – the Romulans the Valdores class – the Federation the Prometheus Class and so on.

Thanx for downloading my mod, and thanx again to all those people who have let me use their great mods to create - look out for the complete mod!!!!!


Concept : Future –

All ships/stations that I have not given credit to were created by Activision/Mad Doc. This project is in no way affiliated or authorized by Activision, MadDOC Software, or any subsidiaries, sub divisions, company members or other such affiliates to the aforementioned companies or other companies included in the development of Armada 2. They cannot be held liable or responsible for your actions concerning inappropriate usage of the files contained in this mod. Please refrain from contacting any of the above parties with regards to problems arising from any kind of usage of the files contained in the mod, as no support is given. You are responsible for your own usage of this mod, and are dictated by the standard terms governing its usage. This includes extenuating circumstances in which 3rd party alteration to the included files may cause problems (although this will be very rare), or damage to the users system. In this case I cannot be held liable for such misuse, but I will provide any help or support as far as I can.

This project is in no way affiliated or authorized by Activision, MadDOC Software, or any subsidiaries, sub divisions, company members or other such affiliates to the aforementioned companies or other companies included in the development of Armada 2. They cannot be held liable or responsible for your actions concerning inappropriate usage of the files contained in this mod. Please refrain from contacting any of the above parties with regards to problems arising from any kind of usage of the files contained in the mod, as no support is given. You are responsible for your own usage of this mod, and are dictated by the standard terms governing its usage. This includes extenuating circumstances in which 3rd party alteration to the included files may cause problems (although this will be very rare), or damage to the users system. In this case I cannot be held liable for such misuse, but I will provide any help or support as far as I can

Version  1.00  Author  Concept: Future  Website  Website external 
Downloads  4,290  Size  5.82 MB  Created  2003-02-09 



#11 chaleten 2003-09-12 22:07
another great mod, Love the jem yard, new to me the sona yard looks better if u use a worm hole to bring forth the craft,u know like the 8472 fluidic rift, oh and if it were inverted too even better, just a thought. :roll:
#12 billybobjoefried 2003-11-04 14:53
the sona battle ship is at a good scale to the other ship and every thing in this mod is good the hybed dosent work :sad: thats the only bug ive seen also the sonas cant work on free tech is that just me??
#13 Guest 2004-01-02 03:53
I've just started to mod again - ill try to sort these out!
#14 conceptfuture_theone 2004-01-17 17:40
the reason the hybrid doesn't work is that for some reason the text in the odf was deleted just before i put it out. I've only just realised this. Just write a new odf, easy!
#15 conceptfuture_theone 2004-03-20 18:57
Full Mod's been released so d/l it to complete the concept : future mod
#16 Guest 2004-07-18 05:38
i have the future fed and all the files ihave to install is two spr. file and two tt. files and when i did card*****ain it had the hybrid and it worked perfectly it's just that i only had the hybrid ship that was the only new thing so i was confused should i install it the exe way.
#17 toxic_209 2004-08-31 12:20
im haveing a little problem with the cursor it blinks in and out. its hard to click on something when u dont know where ur cursor is. anyone got any ideas?
#18 Iorek 2005-07-12 09:34
I see Kazon!
#19 112joesam 2007-02-03 00:56
#20 Vice_Admiral_Svar 2007-06-28 10:41
get rid of any mods!

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