Borg Incursion 3 (Federation Side Only) Borg Incursion 3 (Federation Side Only)

(65 votes)
Major A Payne, 2003-09-05

This is MaP's Borg Incursion 3 fed side! Its sure to be awesome! Download!!! BiggrinBiggrinBiggrin

Version    Author  Major A Payne  Website   
Downloads  7,562  Size  37.97 MB  Created  2003-09-05 



#41 DarkTides 2004-07-09 05:03
i have to say it is a great mod and i cant wait till the others come out but it way to slow for me to build a good sizes fleet it takes alomst 30 min :sad: i have to say i like origonal build times more
#42 MajorPayne 2004-09-20 23:45
Hmmmm, seems I should have posted this much earlier. As it stands BI3 is cancelled and has been for some months.

I am, however, rebuilding the mod completely (I had alot of problems with the single player AI) but adding in less. The quality of the mod is being somewhat increased though so as it stands the BI3 federation and borg sides are the only completed sides and this is how it will remain. The mod has also gone under a name change as well.
#43 cpt_eagleeye 2004-11-02 05:38
But not all ships are aviable right ? There are not those like the Station information says
#44 STARTREK 2005-06-28 15:36
when will he bring out the others
#45 zeo2k 2006-10-03 03:00
Excellent federation side :-)

The ships fight well agaist the borg :-) (the galaxies and defiants anyway)

i love the AI brilliant

The build times are a little slow for me.

great mod excellent weapon sfx

#46 Mimaz98 2006-12-17 04:11
Guys I need help. I install the mod and all its contents but none of the new ships appear in the game.

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