Warbird Mod
This is the description he sent me:
This is a new warbird mod that makes the warbird and griffen more powerful as they have disruptor cannons. There is also a new warbird called "Tal Shiar Warbird" this is even more powerful with three added special weapons.
A Good idea, and worth a download if you think that the Romulan Warships should be more powerful

This is my first ever mod so don\'t go complaining!
In this mod there are two pulse cannon files, two special weapon files,
a warbird file, a tal shiar warbird, a griffen, 3 .tt files, 1 SOD,
1 .spr, and a ryard2 file.
To install just unzip into the armada2 main directory.
Copy ryard2 to odf/stations
copy rbattle, rbattle3, rcruise 1 to odf/ships
copy grplasma, rplasma to odf/special weapons
copy rwpulse, rwpulseo to odf/weapons/pulse
copy rbattle3.SOD to SOD
copy early tech, full tech, tech1 to techtree
copy gui_global to spites
If you have any problems please contact me at:
biting_raptor@hotmail.com or ralphrobot@aol.com
Version | Author | Cpt Geddes | Website | ||
Downloads | 495 | Size | 167.83 KB | Created | 2002-09-28 |