Temporal Station upgrade Temporal Station upgrade

(5 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2003-03-09

this is a mod that changes the tempral research station, it gives it phasers, torps and better shioeld, also a cloak
and a devistating self-distructWink

not a bad idea - another simple mod


This replaces the tempral research center for the fedaration, it weapons,
cloak and the spacial rift used by the romulans.


To install just type " odf " in your search (on your computer) then open
the odf folder and go to ships, put the file in there and walla its done.

Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  628  Size  1.34 KB  Created  2003-03-09 



#1 12of13 2003-03-14 11:06
i sent it wiv the wrong email tho :sad:
#2 Guest 2003-03-30 13:28
doesn't it go into odf/stations and not ships?
#3 12of13 2003-04-07 12:20
for my other mods, search _borg_drone_

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