Special Christmas Gift Pack Special Christmas Gift Pack

(1 vote)
draconis_sharp, 2004-12-25

This is another gift from Draconis, Christmas themed weapons! They include a christmas themed phaser, torpedo and pule weapons to add to your ships to give your weapons a bit of christmas cheer, but, of course, i dont think the people on the other end will feel quite the same spirit Smile Good stuff.

Hurray! Santa has brought Christmas themed weapons for all!

Oh boy, since I'm tired from making these I'll make it short.

Open a ship .odf file and add one of the weapon file names in place of an appropriate weapon.
If you don't quite understand, download yourself a copy of Westworld's Big Book of Modding 'cause I'm a bit too tired to think straight.

3 Weapons included with this mini-mod:
Christmas Themed Phaser
Christmas Themed Torpedo
Christmas Themed Pulse


If you have any problems, contact me.


Version    Author  draconis_sharp  Website   
Downloads  167  Size  54.28 KB  Created  2004-12-25 



#1 weldon 2004-12-26 08:01
ANyone make a flying santa to go wiht this mod I would like it more so

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