NPC Upgrade Project
BEWARE, on the edge of federation space(why is it that thats always where these things happen), a spoon headded ship glides efforlessly across space, waiting, eager for prey. but today that prey is you, your fleet, your life, gone in the flash of a spiral wave cannon. Gone. In short this adds 5 ships from the cardassian union into the fleet ops non-player list. to use these you must put them on a map manualy. in future we will include custom maps with an NP that has the ability to spawn its own units.
NPC Upgrade Project for
Star trek Armada 2 Fleet Operations
Version 3.15
Read Me For Cradassians 1.0
1.0 Table of Contents(STOP STARING AT ME!!!)
2.0 Credits
3.0 What This Does(and contains)
4.0 What this doesn't do(We All have limits)
5.0 Legal(crap), Contacts And permissions
6.0 Troubleshooting, Thanks, Plans,
(install is in a different word pad)
Models: Zorg,
Kit Bashes: Various Zorg models
Textures: Zorg
Original Cardassian Fullrace For A2: Dan1025
Conversion To Fleet Ops: Styer Crisis(ME)
Additional Sprite Editing And Warp Glows: Adm. Zaxxon
Custom Weapon Texture: Stock FO Phaser Modded by me to look pale and yellow
What This Does(and Contains)
This Mod is designed to give attention to one of the most neglected areas of fleet ops,
the np races. The object of this mod is to add ships from the smaller more ignored races from
Star Trek, and, in hope, to become a worthy addon for Fleet Ops.
WARNING: before you ues this there is somthing important to know; in the ds9 technical
manuel it stated that cardassian vessels diplayed enormous varitiy in the matreils used for
construction. It linked this to the fact and problem of lack of consistant resources.THERFORE
i have reflected this in the mod by not having a set sterotype, E.G. the Feds are defencive,
the Klingons are offensive, The Rommies are system, The Cardassians are neither,
their ships have a wide varrience in abilty, Also Each of their ships takes a twenty percent
stat reduction in one of it areas, either
System or
This creates significant strenghs and weakness in the cardassians
NEW Things That Are Not in stock fleet ops
NPC threat Level,
This is gauged by the ability of the ship
and is based on the Attackpower And intrinsicvalue Lines in the ODF
designed to let you know what your fighting
Range Varience. This is depicted by two range values in the dynamic string
Indicating The Differing Values
in short this add 5 vessels from the cardassian union into the fleet ops Non-Player list,
it gives you the abilty to place them as map units, NOT buildable units. these are the ships
Hideki Class Scout
Strengh: Speed
Weakness: Offence
Brinok Class Patroler
Strengh: Speed, Offence
Weakness: Deffence
Kaldor Class Heavy Cruiser
Strengh: Attack, Defence
Weakness: Speed
Galor Class Battleship
Strengh: Attack,
Weakness: Deffence
Keldon Class Battleship
Strengh: Attack, Defence
Weakness, System, Speed
What This Mod Includes
Dnynamic Strings
Borg Textures(Untested)
Mini Images
System Backrounds
Custom Weapons w/ Correct Icons
Engine Glows(Added By Adm. Zaxxon)
Admirals Log Pics
Tech trees
Doesnt include
Full Race(Ever)
Build Buttons
Legal Stuff
This is a freeware mod and not to be used for commercial gain. You instal this mod at your own risk.
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager
(and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters,
related images, and sound from those productions. TM & (C) ACTIVISION & PARAMOUNT PICTURES
i would really perfer if you didn't use this in your mod(Permission for all the files inculded is a nightmare), however
IF you want to use this you MUST Contact both me AND Dan1025 for permission,
Dan Can Be Contacted At:
I Can be Contacted At:
Trouble Shottin'
as far as i know this mod is bug free, and as long as you dont try to recreate the battle of angels
you should be free of lag. but in the rare case you can email me or look for my Mods Thread At
The Fleet ops Forum's modding section
No this is not a one time thing, how could i leave out Terrok Nor
Future Plans Include these
high priorty
A.I. Automated Spawning and building(in testing)
8472(in progress)
Other Races(Nihydron, Krenim, Vulcan, Hirogen, Breen, Son'a, Tholian, Reman, Tlaxian, Zahl, Mawasi, Yridian, Tlarian, Orion Pirates, Terran Empire, Kessok, Bajoran, Kazon, Xindi, Vidian, Nygean, Voth, and more)
Dreadnought Missile(OH YEAH)
Nor Class outpost,
Automated Shipyards
Working Propulsion Value (in progress)
Re-Calculate All Values
Medium Priorty
Passive Abilitys(no theres no current passives)(Any Suggestions would be Helpful on the forum)
Turrets(All Races)
Rank Up System (No They Don't Rank Up now)
Destoryers, The Sartan And Rasilak Classes
Special Wepons
Low Priorty
Smaller Class of Outpost
Redo the hideki pulse weapon(to a less JJ Design)
Very Low Priorty
Refinement of the threat level
Galor Class(and others) For Federation Rare Warp-in(As Alliance Ships)
I will Release The Next Verson After Fleet Ops 3.16 is Released
these go out to all the amazing people that my mod possible, without them this
would not exsist,
Admiral Zaxxon, For his help, warp glows, removed excalibur mod(from which i learned so much about fleet ops from), And laughing when i try to dish tyler, to no avail
Dan1025, For allowing me to use his work in my first real mod, and for making so many awesome full race and ship mods for A2
The fleet Ops Devs, For making An amazing mod of a less then amazing game, you should all be so proud of you work.
Zorg, for his extremely well done cardassian ships, Includin' my Fav the Kaldor/Vericidor design
Activision, For making a game designed for the modders, and filled with possibiltys
AND..............STAR TREK.........FOR(you know why)
Admiral Ben Mayson(yes i mean the avatar)
i want to thank him *cough* it for letting me use his starbase for all kinds of weird experments, i also want to apoligise to his
insurance company,,,,, they must get tired replacing his starbase after i blow it up........again......................and again.............................and again..................................and again..........................and again.......
Also the Venture Class scout, i have put that little ship through so many cruel tests thats its not even funny. (literalry EVERY weapon, model, and icon in this mod was at one time on the venture),
specificly the USS Impulse(check the ODF, its there), i've blown it up so many times i think i'm running outta letters........
Now Go install and play the game already.................Your Boring Me
Version | 1.0 | Author | Styer_Crisis | Website | |
Downloads | 376 | Size | 25.42 MB | Created | 2011-05-01 |
And look now! Its a featured mod!