Major Payne's Bundle Pack of Ships Major Payne's Bundle Pack of Ships

(17 votes)
Major A Payne, 2006-02-20

Well well well. What you have in this pack is not just one ship. As the title suggests, it's a "pack". What we have is no less then eight ships, eager to join in the battle for their corresponding race. Do note, the poly count's do vary to some low ones to moderate-high ones however a bit of odfing by myself and SuperStarAsh has taken this into account, so you don't need to worry about that!

Included are four Federation ships, one Dominion destroyer (put in the Cardassian side), one Cardassian counter-Defiant ship, one Romulan science scout and one fearsome Klingon battleship:

Federation Challenger Class - A two nacelle (Akula configuration) patrol ship with a steady armament based off the Galaxy class as a possible escort. As the larger ship required no escort, the Challenger was pushed back to more remedial tasks. The ship is good as a scout ship or destroyer in game but has been equipped with cruiser weaponry.

Federation Niagra Class - A prototype that was built for the possible Borg incursions into Federation territory, although badly damaged in the battle of Wolf 359, in the cleanup of the site, the ship held together better then first scanned by the Enterprise and further models were built. Designed off the Ambassador class, she has three nacelles and is equipped with frigate weaponry. A nice ship to have alongside your Challanger, the two complement each other well.

Federation Cardiff Class - Based off the Akira design, the ship uses latest Federation sensor technology and Vulcan warp technology to produce a design capable of going at high speed's and tracking ships along the Romulan border. What stand's this ship out from the rest is the annular warp nacelle(s) which make it quite a sight. Equipped with frigate weaponry, she has a decent sensor range.

Federation Sapphire Class - Beautiful design based off Atolm's "Eden" class. The ship has been equipped with Sovereign weaponry and should be feared. Nothing else to say, it's THAT good.

Dominion Virulent Attack Cruiser - A stunning design based off of the Attack bug you see so commonly in DS9, equipped with powerful weaponry, it is best you use multiple ships to take one of these down. She is beatable though but with a ship that look's that good, you wouldn't mind losing to it.

Cardassian Kondal Class - An intriging design for a new Cardassian ship whilst co-inciding with standard Cardassian design. She look's good and is designed to counter the Defiant. Whether or not this is possible I don't know, but you can always try it out and I suggest you do.

Romulan Science Craft - Refit a Talon and get this slightly larger, far more useful craft. Seen in the TNG episode "The Defector", she has a sensor palette on her aft quarter used for conducting scientific studies without the need for the larger D'Deridex. A neat little design which has some interesting features and generally a good bit of fun for playing about with in-game.

Klingon ChoQ'Batlh Battleship - Wowzers. What happens when you get a D7 and then make it Negh'Varish? I can happily tell you it's this beast. Comparable to the Negh'Var, she is indeed powerful, dominating and Klingon. Look's good using a high detailed 512 texture set and is a must have for any Klingon armada.

If you have encountered any errors while using these ships, please contact myself or Ash, NOT MaP as he didn't edit the text files. Thank you.

Federation Challenger Class
Medium Cruiser related to the Galaxy starship family. Utilizing two, vertically arranged nacelles it perpetuates an older design lineage not seen for some time on Federation ships. The arrangement yields no great benefit, except the centre of gravity makes manoeuvrability more solid and robust at impulse speed, particularly during atmospheric flight.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 1500
Built Time: 5 hours (80% rebuild time)
Texture Set: 2 high res (512*512) Truevision tarGA (TGA) based image files.

criticals- hp01 to hp14
phaser- hp15 to hp29
torp- hp30

- Original mesh and texture set created by LC Amaral (
- Thie low poly 80% mesh rebuild done by Major A Payne. Textures edited to reinclude the phaser arrays and repplied as necessary.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Federation Niagra Class
Starfleet has always preferred to design Starships with a two nacelle configuration, it being long recognized that this is the ideal layout for optimal warp field efficiency. However, efficiency is not always the deciding factor and over the last few centuries several vessels have been produced with one, three or even four nacelles. The Niagara class belongs to the three nacelle family; this means that the class has a small decrease in efficiency compared to the likes of the Galaxy class, but it does confer certain advantages. Like the Rigel class, the Niagara is able to travel on the upper nacelle pair whilst resting the Lower nacelle, or vice versa. This confers both higher cruise speed or longer component life on the engines, as well as enhancing maneuverability.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 1896
Built Time: Aprox 5 hours 50% rebuild.
Texture Set: 3 high detailed Truevision tarGA (TGA) based image files.

criticals- hp01 to hp14
phaser- hp17 to hp33
torp- hp15
tractor- hp16

- Original model and texture set create by LC Amaral(
- Thie low poly 50% mesh rebuild done by Major A Payne. Textures edited to reinclude the phaser arrays and repplied as necessary.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Federation Cardiff Class
Designed to take station on the edge of the Neutral Zone and eavesdrop on Romulan communications. The Cardiff is fitted with a Vulcan-style annular warp drive and two massive sensor pods occupy the space normally taken by a Federation starship's warp nacelles.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 2412
Built Time: 6-7 hours Aprox
Texture Set: 4 high detail (512*512) Truevision tarGA image files.

criticals- hp01 to hp19
phaser- hp20 to hp42
torp- hp43 and hp44
tractor- hp45 and hp46

- Original design and concept done by Paul Lloyd ( Shown through website.
- This low poly model created by Major A Payne using the above reference material. Ambassador textures originally created by Rick "Pneumonic81" Knox and applied as necessary.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Federation Sapphire Class
It seems that with the Dominion war there came several specifically design Federation ships which were used directly for battle with the Dominion enemy. The Sapphire is one such vessel class. The prototype was, very much like the Defiant, way overpowered, but the teething problems that the Defiant suffered were not repeated. In the trial test the prototype USS Sapphire took out a large Cardassian installation and several defensive vessels. By the end of the Dominion war only two Sapphire class ships were in service - the prototype and its sister ship (USS Steel). They have since been refitted as heavily armed research vessels in charge of further exploration of the Gamma Quadrant.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 2182
Built Time: Aprox 9 1/2 hours
Texture Set: 8 variable sized Truevision tarGA (TGA) based texture files.

criticals- hp01 to hp16
phaser- hp19 to hp34
torp- hp17
tractor- hp18

- Original concept and design by Atolm/Azel.
- Texture set created originally by WickedZombie45 (these textures are from the USS Titan which WZ45 created originally for the SCF3 community. The exception to this is MAPsap1a which is pieced together from the Titans texture set).
- This low poly model mesh created by Major A Payne with above textures applied as necessary.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

*note. This mesh is heavily based upon Atolm/Azels Eden class (top view only).

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Dominion Virulent Class
During the Dominion war the Virulent class destroyer was considered the pinnacle of technology. It was the only class of ship to deploy an experimental type of reflective armour, and as such many Federation starships would have difficulty when engaging one of these ships using standard phasers.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 1248
Built Time: n/a
Texture Set: 6 various Truevision tarGA (TGA) based image files.

criticals- hp01 to hp12
phaser- hp13 to hp18
torp- hp19

- Original mesh and textures created by Redragon.
- Mesh editing and texture reapplication done by Major A Payne.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Cardassian Kondal Class
This ship was designed to fill a role similar to the Defiant, and operates in a similar manner. It is larger than the fed ship, has lower armor, weaponry and menuverability, but is better with shielding and range. Almost all Cardassian ships are designed for deep space operations, and this ship is no exception.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 1692
Built Time: Aprox 9 hours.
Texture Set: 11 various resolution Truevision tarGA (TGA) based images)

criticals- hp01 to hp13
phaser- hp14 to hp25
torp- hp26 and hp27
tractor- hp28

- Original Kondal concept, design and model done by Raven Night of
- Original texture set used for this model created by Wickzombie45 and are part of his released Kalon Class
- This low poly reproduction done by Major A Payne (original design images used as complete reference). Above credited texture set applied as necessary.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Romulan Science Scout Vessel
The particular science ship in TNG: "The Next Phase" had an experimental phase cloaking device. It is well possible that this was the only ship so equipped, and that after its failure (and the Federation knowing about it) the project was discontinued.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 1199
Built Time: Rebuild time aprox. 4 hours.
Texture Set: 4 various sized Truevision tarGA (TGA) based images.

criticals- hp01 to hp11
pulse- hp13 and hp14
sensor pallet- hp12
cloak- hp16
torp- hp15

- Original model and texture set originally created by Scorpion.
- Poly reduction/rebuild done by Major A Payne. Original textures reapplied as necessary.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne
Klingon ChoQ'Batlh Class
As with any Klingon design method it seems like they take forever, before retiring any class in favour of a new one. With this in mind it has taken nearly 12 years of design and testing to create this class of vessel. Although most vessel classes tend to have names which are easily recognisable (Khaless, Br'el etc.etc) this ones translates to "Preserve Honor", and the class does this well.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: 1748
Built Time: Aprox 6 hours
Texture Set: 1 medium resolution (512*512) Truevision tarGA based image.

criticals- hp01 to hp12
phaser- hp17 to hp29
torp- hp13
tractor- hp15
pulse- hp14
cloak- hp16

- Original design/concept done by Azel/Atolm
- This low poly model created by Major A Payne with texture originally from 9ofNines Neghvar class.
- ODF editing by Joelteon7 and SuperStarAsh
- Admiral's Pic made by Joelteon7

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- ICQ: UIN60839084

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Major A Payne

Version    Author  Major A Payne  Website   
Downloads  2,023  Size  9.57 MB  Created  2006-02-20 



#1 AdmarilRyan 2006-02-20 10:54
I ain't sure about all of them but that is a good collection with some very nice ships in there
#2 Captain_Kirk76 2006-02-20 12:58
Great collection of ships

Worth the download
#3 Joelteon7 2006-02-20 13:34
Also, don't expect me to give a perfect 10, that will come rarely, extremely rarely.
#4 sonar0612 2006-02-28 05:07
If I Install these modifications do I loose any ships that I already have?
#5 MajorPayne 2006-02-28 08:14
Most likely Sonar. Unless you manually add the ships in then each single ship mod will generally overwrite 3 or 4 critical files.
#6 MajorPayne 2006-03-10 12:06
Right then. I've had no less than 6 emails concerning parts of this not working. Can anyone who has any problems please contact either SuperStarAsh or Joelteon7. All I did was provide the models, textures and hardpoint setups. Thankyou.
#7 Joelteon7 2006-04-08 04:26
MaP, I'm aware this is a late reply, but if you want to forward any emails straight over to my hotmail account, I'll deal with them, thanks.
#8 112joesam 2007-02-07 08:43
how do you install exactly?

#9 112joesam 2007-02-07 08:44
soz for the rubbish comment :o
#10 112joesam 2007-02-10 02:38
i fixed the errors and shipds are working fine

great downloadRock

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