Jetfreak's Ship and Retexture Pack 2
This is another ship and retexture pack from Jetfreak. As always, it's fantastic.
Here's a list of included tweaks and improvements:
Che'Var by Avon
- Minor Texture Edit and fixed Material Settings by Avon.
Constitution Wyvern Refit by Rick Knox
- Full flegded TNG-era retexture using Pentserv22s as a base.
Divine Right Class by Pepperman, fixed material settings by Avon
- "Klingonized" textures with a touch of green.
Galaxy Class by Rick Knox
- Full fledged retexture, using the C2X Galaxy Textures.
Nebula Class by Erazoren, ported by CanadaianBorg
- Full fledged retexture using the C2X Galaxy and Erazorens Nebula Textures.
NX by Rick Knox and LC_Amaral, conversion by 1_Beta_1, further edits by Dan1025
- Improved model quality and fixed hardpoints.
Phalanx by Michael Kelly
- Improved hull contrast and revision of minor details.
Sovereign by Hawkeye, rebuilt by MAP, further edits by k_merse
- Finalized revision of the textures, complete overhaul of hardpoints.
- Also includes an alternate War Sovereign, based on the several popular BC exclusive derivatives and the USS Sentinel from ST: Invasion.
- Hero Picard unit is also available, complete with registries.
Buildbuttons and Admirals Log Pics by Jetfreak

Jetfreaks Ship and Retexture Pack 2
- With the success and popularity (fluke) of the first ship pack, a sequel is surely in order. Do I hear a hell yes?
- Like before, this is a dedicated ship pack and retexture mod combined into one. This release features several previously released items which I have edited for personal use. Most of the items included features edits ranging from minor cosmetic changes to full fledged retextures.
- Do note that quality is the primary goal of this addon, several of these items have medium to high polygon counts.
- As requested, the original .sods and .odfs are included.
- All ships have been balanced to stock Armada 2.
- Unfortunately, wireframes are not included. You can retain the original ones if you have any.
- As a plus, several bonus content is included. You will just have to download and see for yourself. If you have been following this mod's development, you'll know what I mean.
Retexture Info and Model Credits:
Che'Var by Avon
- Minor Texture Edit and fixed Material Settings by Avon.
Constitution Wyvern Refit by Rick Knox
- Full flegded TNG-era retexture using Pentserv22s as a base.
Divine Right Class by Pepperman, fixed material settings by Avon
- "Klingonized" textures with a touch of green.
Galaxy Class by Rick Knox
- Full fledged retexture, using the C2X Galaxy Textures.
Nebula Class by Erazoren, ported by CanadaianBorg
- Full fledged retexture using the C2X Galaxy and Erazorens Nebula Textures.
NX by Rick Knox and LC_Amaral, conversion by 1_Beta_1, further edits by Dan1025
- Improved model quality and fixed hardpoints.
Phalanx by Michael Kelly
- Improved hull contrast and revision of minor details.
Sovereign by Hawkeye, rebuilt by MAP, further edits by k_merse
- Finalized revision of the textures, complete overhaul of hardpoints.
- Also includes an alternate War Sovereign, based on the several popular BC exclusive derivatives and the USS Sentinel from ST: Invasion.
- Hero Picard unit is also available, complete with registries.
Buildbuttons and Admirals Log Pics by Jetfreak
Installation: (Requires rudimentary modding skill)
Installation Method 1: (To add the ships as a new buildable unit.)
1) Back up the original files you will replace first. This is always a must.
Legend: (Use accordingly, apply to all models)
fship.sod = model
fship.odf = odf file
2) Open the SOD Folder and put the fship.sod in the folder
3) Open the odf/ships Folder and put the fship.odf in the folder
4) Open the Textures/RGB Folder and place the all TGA files in the folder
5) Open the bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages Folder and put all bitmap files in the folder
6) Open located in the techtree folder and add the following line:
fship.odf 1 fyard.odf
7) Open located in the techtree folder and add the following line:
fship.odf 0
8) Open the odf/stations folder, open any shipyard or station then add under the list of builditems
buildItemX = "fship" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
9) Open gui_global.spr located in the sprites folder and add the following line: (make sure that they are aligned properly)
b_fship buildbuttonfilename 0 0 64 64
Installation Method 2: (To replace the existing unit. If you already have these items installed)
1) Back up the original files you will replace first. This is always a must.
2) Replace the textures and sods.
3) Rebalance the odf accordingly.
Special Thanks:
- Gene Roddenberry for creating such an enduring franchise.
- To all those who supported the mod's development, your ideas, input, critique, and attention to detail was most helpful. This compilation would not be possible if it wasnt for your efforts.
- My art teacher, his Photoshop techniques and aesthetic advice really helped me improve my skill. Thanks man.
If you want to use any of these items in any of your mods, please contact me first via or
If you encounter any form of errors, please refer to the files comments section, Filefront Gaming Forums or
- Jetfreak
However, I've run across a peculiar issue and have hit a brick wall in resolving it. The Phalanx vessel is crashing my game. Every time it's about to leave the shipyard, the game crashes. This is the only vessel that is causing this to happen. I've uninstalled/reinstalled the mod, game and associated patch several times, and scoured the ODF's fairly thoroughly, and nothing has worked. This is the only ship from any mod (including jet's other work/retexture packs) that is causing this to happen.
Michael Kelly's original Phalanx mod works, but I'm a bit more fond of this particular version as it is a little more in line with other stock ships.
I'm wondering if this has been an issue for anyone else, and if so, what might be suggested for fixing it.
Could someone send me a copy of the updated file edits? Or talk me through how to do it? I kept running into a "cannot save" error.