Jeri Hansen's Sovereign Class Jeri Hansen's Sovereign Class

(2 votes)
Jeri Hansen, 2002-10-17

Jeri Hansen's Sovereign Class Mob

Well this mob is meat to make the Sovereign Class as strong as the Enterprise E and I orso put same more names on the list.
New names
USS Enterprise-E
USS Veronica
USS Elite Force
USS Nemesis
USS Sovereign
USS James

As if the Soverign weren't powerful enough, Jeri has made it even more powerful Biggrin

Jeri Hansen's Sovereign Class Mob

Well this mob is meat to make the Sovereign Class as strong as the Enterprise E and I orso put same more names on the list.
New names
USS Enterprise-E
USS Veronica
USS Elite Force
USS Nemesis
USS Sovereign
USS James

Make up copy of the old ones before you install the new ones
Install the odf file into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships

Other Mobs by Jeri Hansen

Intrepid Class Mob

Version    Author  Jeri Hansen  Website   
Downloads  326  Size  3.87 KB  Created  2002-10-17 



#1 Captain_Mario 2005-05-24 09:55
LOL 2 of the names are ppl in my grade (gr8) good job love the mod
:borg: borg dont stand a chance
#2 Captain_Mario 2005-05-24 10:00
and in SFC3 i have a Sovereign called the USS Sovereign

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