Jeri Hansen's Iwo Jima Mod Jeri Hansen's Iwo Jima Mod

(3 votes)
Jeri Hansen, 2002-11-01

This makes the Iwo Jima class stronger and adds 4 names.
Name list
USS Iwo Jima
USS Borg
USS Nojar

Jeri Hansen's Iwo Jima Mob

This makes the Iwo Jima class stronger and adds 4 names.
Name list
USS Iwo Jima
USS Borg
USS Nojar


Make up copy of the old ones before you install the new ones
Install the odf file into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships

Other Mobs by Jeri Hansen

Intrepid Mod
Sovereign Mod
IntrepidV2 Mod
Aegian Mod

Version    Author  Jeri Hansen  Website   
Downloads  203  Size  3.80 KB  Created  2002-11-01 



#1 Dearing 2002-11-02 04:36
U.S.S Ben?
#2 Deus_Drone 2002-11-02 19:45
Well my real name is Ben so 2x thumbs up for that name
#3 Omega1989 2002-11-03 07:36
U.S.S. Borg?

Tempting fate or what? With a ship name like that you're asking to be assimilated. :borg:

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