Intrepid Class Mod Intrepid Class Mod

(2 votes)
Jeri Hansen, 2002-10-10

Jeri Hansen's first ODF mod, it makes the Intrepid harder to kill, and modifies it's build names.

JeriHansen Intrepid Class Mob

all I have done is make the Intrepid not as easy to kill not by mass but a noth and I put move names on the list USS Voyager , USS Cat, USS Intrepid and USS Blackkynot mach but I like it batter than the old Intrepid.
I not sure anyone ease has done and it is my frist mob


It well be best to keep a copy of the old one incase you do not like this one.
It is only a odf so instill into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships

Version    Author  Jeri Hansen  Website   
Downloads  300  Size  2.61 KB  Created  2002-10-10 



#1 chris5110uk2k 2002-10-10 17:16
Can you spell? lol

Good practise making ODF's
#2 JeriHansen 2002-10-11 03:44
it got here the next day that good unlike my maps thay take two weeks ( BorgNebula Pack (V6 to V7)

RadioactiveNebulaV2 and RadioactiveNebula)

anywhy I hope you like this mob I did. I got a sound Mob I made but I have not send it yet so if you want me to sead it I will it the Elite Force Theme that repast the Fed sound.
#3 JeriHansen 2002-10-11 04:02
that riy it thats so long to got the maps put up he works on diffen websites.
#4 Deus1 2002-10-11 10:12
cool mod! :D keep working hard on other mods
#5 JeriHansen 2002-10-12 10:47
dop to big to best my Elite Force Theme Mob is to big to post from my mail box allwell. Thank you Deus1 for that comments

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