Intrepid Class Enhancement Intrepid Class Enhancement

(7 votes)
Michael Kelly, 2003-06-23

This is ofcorse an enhansment to the intrepid class......well.......i think it takes a little tooooooo long to make compared to what little it enhances. You see the fire power was increased by 200 % (GOOD) Smile but the time it takes to build was increased by 240 % (BAD) Sad not to mention the cost was raised to 400 of everything (VERY BAD Sad, allot more than 200 %). Well anyway twice the firepower is good though. For those of you who wish this game was more realistic (or your very patient) heres something for you.


Intrepid Class Mod

MOD Type - Enhancment
Class - Intrepid
Author - Michael Kelly
Author's Email Address -


Texture Info

Federation - Yes
Borg - Yes
Alpha Channel - Yes


Weapon Info

Phasers - Yes
Toredos - Yes
Pulse - No
Details / Install

This Mod updates the Intrepid textures and odf file.

To install, copy the - odf file to the odf\ships folder.
- tga files to the Textures\RGB folder.
- I have also included the original sod file if you need it. Put that in the sod folder.




I just modified what was already there.


Final Words

I hope you enjoy this mod. I do.

Any comments you have are welcome.

Version    Author  Michael Kelly  Website   
Downloads  889  Size  1.44 MB  Created  2003-06-23 



#1 Chiletrek 2003-07-02 21:56
Hello everybody:

I'm really glad that someone makes the beautiful Intrepid class more powerfullllllll. The one sad thing is the long time to take to build one, but I always think that in the series an Intrepid class would defeate an Akira class.

Well, I think this is a very good mod for a very good ship!!
#2 Captain_Steve 2003-07-16 00:35
if you want to shorten the tiem it takes to build go into the odf file and look for this line: (example)

//Amount of time required to build ship

buildTime = 218.0

just lower the number to whatever you like and it will take less time to build.
#3 ef2_gamer 2003-08-16 08:10
will it work with Armored Voyager 4.0??
#4 meda 2004-10-14 01:57
i dont think so
#5 blurb23 2004-11-11 10:03
if you look at the third pic, whats going on with the nacelles??
#6 draconis_sharp 2004-11-16 03:07
meda, why did you reply to a comment that was posted more than a year before?
#7 Luke20 2006-08-03 03:21
The question IS why did I reply to this comment after two years....?

The nacelles are a bit boxy and the blue glow strip should only be on the outer section.

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