FO Cardassians FO Cardassians

(9 votes)
Zeichy, 2006-10-09

From the Mail:

Here is the mod for the mod Fleet Ops Preview Version. The read me file included in the zip file should contain a good explanation, but this is a mod replaces the Breen avatar with a Cardassian avatar in the Fleet Ops mod. The Fleet Ops Preview Version, 3.1 is required for this mod. This mod has been approved by the Fleet Ops team. On your website, I am registered under the screen name "Zeich". Included in this e-mail is the mod file in a zip, and two screenshots. Enjoy the mod.
Now this is something extrodinary Wink

What it does you may ask? Well, simply it replaces the FO Breen (within the Dominion) with the Cardassians (all three ships) - and some pretty neat models at that. My only downfall is that you cannot keep the Breen and build the Cardassians also, but no doubt there is a reason for that.

Nevertheless, FO now has a Hideki, Galor & Keldon (something I could have sworn FO were going to do - being to add the Cardassians to the Dominion anyway, though we never saw them in V3). However, thanks to Zeich, we now have them Wink


PS: I "think" the admirals' log images are missing, and the screenshots could do with being a bit bigger, but whatever Tongue

Read Me File
This will convert the Breen Avatar for Fleet Ops Preview Version to a Cardassian avatar.
The Cardassian avatar is pretty much the same as the Breen Avatar, except the Cardassian avatar gets
the Galor, Keldon and Hideki. The cardassians don't have to build prototypes for their ships. The Keldon does
require the Galor built first.
Fleet Ops Preview Version 3.1 patch

Take the files from the folders that are in the zip file and place them in the corresponding folder
in the Fleet Ops directory.
If you want to add this mod to a current mod you alreay have, here are the lines that you must add to the files.

Fleet Ops/odf/ships/dom_large_yardZ:
add "buildItemX = "galor"" X is the number of the buildItem.
add "buildItemX = "keldon"" X is the number of the buildItem.

Fleet Ops/odf/ships/dom_yardZ:
add "buildItemX = "hideki"" X is the number of the buildItem.

Fleet Ops/techtree/tech1:
"galor.odf 0
keldon.odf 1 galor.odf
hideki.odf 0"
to the end of the Dominion tech tree

Fleet Ops/Sprites/gui_global:
"b_galor dominionbuttons03 80 0 80 80
b_hideki dominionbuttons03 160 0 80 80
b_keldon dominionbuttons03 240 0 80 80"
to the end of the Unit Buttons

"galorw5 wireframe08 384 384 96 96
hidekiw5 wireframe08 288 384 96 96
keldonw5 wireframe09 0 0 96 96"
to the end of the Unit Avatars

Change "b_dom_cloning_facZT avatarbuttons01 0 320 80 80"
"b_dom_cloning_facZT avatarbuttons01 160 320 80 80"

Fleet Ops/Sprites/gui_dominion:
"galorw1 wireframe_cardassian1 1 1 96 96
galorw2 wireframe_cardassian1 1 97 96 96
galorw3 wireframe_cardassian1 97 1 96 96
galorw4 wireframe_cardassian1 97 97 96 96

keldonw1 wireframe_cardassian1 1 1 96 96
keldonw2 wireframe_cardassian1 1 97 96 96
keldonw3 wireframe_cardassian1 97 1 96 96
keldonw4 wireframe_cardassian1 97 97 96 96

hidekiw1 wireframe_cardassian1 1 1 96 96
hidekiw2 wireframe_cardassian1 1 97 96 96
hidekiw3 wireframe_cardassian1 97 1 96 96
hidekiw4 wireframe_cardassian1 97 97 96 96"

Fleet Ops/Sprites/gui_federation:
"galorw1 wireframe_federation1 1 1 96 96
galorw2 wireframe_federation1 1 97 96 96
galorw3 wireframe_federation1 97 1 96 96
galorw4 wireframe_federation1 97 97 96 96

keldonw1 wireframe_federation1 1 1 96 96
keldonw2 wireframe_federation1 1 97 96 96
keldonw3 wireframe_federation1 97 1 96 96
keldonw4 wireframe_federation1 97 97 96 96

hidekiw1 wireframe_federation1 1 1 96 96
hidekiw2 wireframe_federation1 1 97 96 96
hidekiw3 wireframe_federation1 97 1 96 96
hidekiw4 wireframe_federation1 97 97 96 96"

Fleet Ops/Sprites/gui_klingon:
"galorw1 wireframe_klingon1 1 1 96 96
galorw2 wireframe_klingon1 1 97 96 96
galorw3 wireframe_klingon1 97 1 96 96
galorw4 wireframe_klingon1 97 97 96 96

keldonw1 wireframe_klingon1 1 1 96 96
keldonw2 wireframe_klingon1 1 97 96 96
keldonw3 wireframe_klingon1 97 1 96 96
keldonw4 wireframe_klingon1 97 97 96 96

hidekiw1 wireframe_klingon1 1 1 96 96
hidekiw2 wireframe_klingon1 1 97 96 96
hidekiw3 wireframe_klingon1 97 1 96 96
hidekiw4 wireframe_klingon1 97 97 96 96"

Fleet Ops/Sprites/gui_romulan:
"galorw1 wireframe_romulan1 1 1 96 96
galorw2 wireframe_romulan1 1 97 96 96
galorw3 wireframe_romulan1 97 1 96 96
galorw4 wireframe_romulan1 97 97 96 96

keldonw1 wireframe_romulan1 1 1 96 96
keldonw2 wireframe_romulan1 1 97 96 96
keldonw3 wireframe_romulan1 97 1 96 96
keldonw4 wireframe_romulan1 97 97 96 96

hidekiw1 wireframe_romulan1 1 1 96 96
hidekiw2 wireframe_romulan1 1 97 96 96
hidekiw3 wireframe_romulan1 97 1 96 96
hidekiw4 wireframe_romulan1 97 97 96 96"

Now add all the files in zip file/texture/RBG to the corresponding folder in Fleet Ops.
Now add all the files in zip file/sod to the corresponding folder in Fleet Ops.
Now add all the files in zip file/odf/weapons/avatar_dom_breen.odf to the corresponding folder in Fleet Ops.

Now the mod should be installed. Eventually tool tips will be added along with engine glows.
Please enjoy this mod. I'd like to thank Optec for all his help in getting this mod done. Visit
for more information about the Fleet Ops mod, the best mod out there.

All models, textures and script editing is done by Overlord/Zeich.
Special thanks to Optec.

Any questions send to e-mail
Contact Info:
AIM: Over Zeich
YIM: overzeich

Version    Author  Zeichy  Website   
Downloads  790  Size  12.30 MB  Created  2006-10-09 



#1 MajorPayne 2006-10-09 10:48
A good threesome of cardy models with just two drawbacks. Why the inclusion of textures that are around 1628*1628 pixels?? Your adding 28.9mb to an installation when its totally unecessary, and I can't see there being many people who will have the power to render these textures. Don't get me wrong. The detail in them is very good, but even if each ship had 3 512*512 textures the final file size wouldn't have been anywhere near what it is. Also considering you did the textures yourself, if the Galor and Keldon both use the same texture why include it twice, but renamed?? Surely it would have made more sense to use 1 texture mapped to both models to cut down on the loading time.

Well its something to think about for any future endeavour.
#2 Freyr 2006-10-09 12:42
1628x? Erm... and to think I was saying that to many 512x textures could have an adverse effect on game performance!

Do the textures NEED to be that big? (as in, do you notice a serious difference if the textures are downsized to 1024x or 512x ?)
#3 Joelteon7 2006-10-09 13:38
@2 - In answer, no, they don't. You'll find that BC textures rarely go past 1024, and the 2048 are usually, if used, reserved for CG ships.
#4 Freyr 2006-10-09 16:05
Joel, you do realise that your post number 3? :P
#5 theStarfleetKid 2006-10-09 16:18
Talking to yourself can often be a very fulfilling experience, as Joelt is discovering. But he'll tell us later.

@ #5 - Good point! I can't wait to hear what Joelt has to tell us!
#6 elevatormusic 2006-10-09 21:18
For the requirements should also add: "or modding skills to install."
#7 MajorPayne 2006-10-10 01:39
Well I dropped the size to 1024*1024 and the actual zip file size was a more palatable 13.8mb, and there was almost no texture loss.
#8 IKS_Yo_Mama 2006-10-10 03:58
Don't worry Joel, it's like the Kid said, talking and arguing with yourself is a very fruitful experience- it also means you can't loose the argument!!! and people will generally stay away from you.. which has it's advantages at times
#9 Joelteon7 2006-10-10 10:06
Post correct, lesson learnt :P
#10 adm_tyler 2007-03-31 07:08
Excellent Vessels, best Cardy ships I've seen. Although how come you missed out the AI files and Admirals Log Images?

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