Concept Future - Federation
Fixed the download problem.
Description, from the readme:
It's been nine years and seven months since the crew of Voyager brought her home safely, and thirteen years after the Enterprise successfully defended Sector 001 against another borg threat.
Since that time the alpha quadrant has been a little quiet in general following the end of the war with the Dominion. The Alpha quadrant has seen minor skirmishes between the Klingon Empire and it's various foes because of it's undying need for violence and death, the war between the Borg and Species 8472 did soften for a while after Admiral Janeway returned from the past to recover Voyager and to detroy the Borg's central command functions. But since then the borg re-formed with a new leader, rampaging through the delta quadrant, discovering new technologies that were previously unknown to them, they have become even more powerful, with the same central idea as before - perfection - at any cost. The Domion retreated to the Gamma quadrant for a few year, while they rebuilt their ships. Then in 2380 they entered the Alpha quadrant again through the wormhole guarded by the Deep Space 9 station. DS9 was destroyed and the Dominion fleet managed to get behind Cardassian borders where they met up with the Breen and the Cardassians, before engaging in a trade agreement with the Ferengi. ultimately this created the Dominion, Breen, Ferengi and Cardassian Alliance.
In recent years the Federation and Starfleet have managed to rebuild their fleet to its entirety, introducing new and improved starships, derived from technologies gained from the Delta quadrant and from the Gamma quadrant, to deal with the threat of other malicious species in the Galaxy. The invention of Slipstream drive has meant that the Federation has expanded to cover more than one third of the milky way, and that it has managed to recover new types of metal and technologies. Their new fleet includes the Eximus Class - a destroyer, the Prometheus Class - which while older than a few other ships, is still the most powerful ship in the fleet armed with shield destroying torpedoes, a Slipstream drive and multi quantum torpedo launchers and phasor banks, as well as the introduction of ablative armor on the intrepid class of vessel. There were attempts made by Starfleet to adapt the armor for other classes of ship, but it proved to be impracticable on other classes of vessels. Since then the Borg have attempted many times to assimilate technology that has originated from another quadrant or from the future, but each time they have failed.
But in the immediate past the Federation and it's ships have noticed phases in and out of our time, space and continuum, or universe. Theorists have thought of many ideas about why this is happening, such as Parrallel universes, Q, even Voyager was examined, but her Captain's older self's was not to blame. The Federation are becoming more desperate to find out why, where and to who else this might be happening to. Recently, and most seriously a Romulan warbird was phased out of time and space and it re-appeared inside of a soverign class vessel, destroying both ships. So as a result of this and other factors Starfleet, the Klingon Empire, the Borg and all the other major powers in Alpha and Beta quadrants have been ordered by their governments to investigate this problem, by firstly travelling to the source of the time-space shifting, on the fringes of the galaxy.
This mod contains only the ships for the federation so that they may be used against the other races in instant action. I haven't managed to figure out how to edit the missions yet.
To install please just open the exe file and the files should be transferred to where they should be.
Note - if u want to keep any of the fed dtat since before this installation i suggest that u back it up. Most data will stay, but some is edited.
Star Trek Concept : Future Federation Addon Beta Version --- Storyline
It's been nine years and seven months since the crew of Voyager brought her home safely, and thirteen years after the Enterprise successfully defended Sector 001 against another borg threat.
Since that time the alpha quadrant has been a little quiet in general following the end of the war with the Dominion. The Alpha quadrant has seen minor skirmishes between the Klingon Empire and it's various foes because of it's undying need for violence and death, the war between the Borg and Species 8472 did soften for a while after Admiral Janeway returned from the past to recover Voyager and to detroy the Borg's central command functions. But since then the borg re-formed with a new leader, rampaging through the delta quadrant, discovering new technologies that were previously unknown to them, they have become even more powerful, with the same central idea as before - perfection - at any cost. The Domion retreated to the Gamma quadrant for a few year, while they rebuilt their ships. Then in 2380 they entered the Alpha quadrant again through the wormhole guarded by the Deep Space 9 station. DS9 was destroyed and the Dominion fleet managed to get behind Cardassian borders where they met up with the Breen and the Cardassians, before engaging in a trade agreement with the Ferengi. ultimately this created the Dominion, Breen, Ferengi and Cardassian Alliance.
In recent years the Federation and Starfleet have managed to rebuild their fleet to its entirety, introducing new and improved starships, derived from technologies gained from the Delta quadrant and from the Gamma quadrant, to deal with the threat of other malicious species in the Galaxy. The invention of Slipstream drive has meant that the Federation has expanded to cover more than one third of the milky way, and that it has managed to recover new types of metal and technologies. Their new fleet includes the Eximus Class - a destroyer, the Prometheus Class - which while older than a few other ships, is still the most powerful ship in the fleet armed with shield destroying torpedoes, a Slipstream drive and multi quantum torpedo launchers and phasor banks, as well as the introduction of ablative armor on the intrepid class of vessel. There were attempts made by Starfleet to adapt the armor for other classes of ship, but it proved to be impracticable on other classes of vessels. Since then the Borg have attempted many times to assimilate technology that has originated from another quadrant or from the future, but each time they have failed.
But in the immediate past the Federation and it's ships have noticed phases in and out of our time, space and continuum, or universe. Theorists have thought of many ideas about why this is happening, such as Parrallel universes, Q, even Voyager was examined, but her Captain's older self's was not to blame. The Federation are becoming more desperate to find out why, where and to who else this might be happening to. Recently, and most seriously a Romulan warbird was phased out of time and space and it re-appeared inside of a soverign class vessel, destroying both ships. So as a result of this and other factors Starfleet, the Klingon Empire, the Borg and all the other major powers in Alpha and Beta quadrants have been ordered by their governments to investigate this problem, by firstly travelling to the source of the time-space shifting, on the fringes of the galaxy.
This project is in no way affiliated or authorised by Activision, MadDOC Software, or any subsidaries, sub divisions, company members or other such affiliates to the aforementioned companies or other companies included in the development of Armada 2. They cannot be held liable or responsible for your actions concerning inapropriate usage of the files contained in this mod. Please refrain from contacting any of the above parties with regards to problems arising from any kind of usage of the files contained in the mod, as no support is given. You are responsible for your own usage of this mod, and are dictacted by the standard terms governing its usage. This includes extrenuating circumstances in which 3rd party alteration to the included files may cause problems, or damage to the users system. In this case I, cannot be held liable for such missuse, and will not provide any help or support in these matters. - CHANGE THIS
If you need any help with this mod please email me at
This mod has been created mainly from ships that were already in existance before this mod wa made; please see the credits part at the end of this document for all acknowledgments.
Here is a list of additions/replacements made in the federation addon version 1.0
Venture Class replaced by Aeon Timeship
Sabre Class replaced by Achillies Class
Defiant Class replaced by Nova Class
Akira Class replaced by Norway Class
Iwo Jima Class replaced by Iwo Jima - Refit (Blitzkrieg class)
Intrepid Class vessels have ablative armor
Galaxy Class replaced by Opaka Class
Aegan Class has been replaced by the Scorpion Class
Steamrunner Class will be replaced by the Capital Class
Nebula Class has been replaced by the Kaleb Class
Prometheus Class added
Federation constructions have a cloaking device (can build with it activated)
Federation repair ships have a cloaking device
Antimatter Mine added
Eximus Class added
The Wells class has been added
There is a new stlye federation turret
The Guncutter class has been added as a starbase defender
There will be a new Federation starbase
This is the beta version, if anyone sees that anything is missing, please mail me -
Bugs in version 1.0
Intrepid Class couldn't fire without the ablative armor because i hd to label it a shipyard/construction vessel so that it could create the Delta Flyer, but i've forgotton about the delta flyer and it'll fire (so i guess it ain't a bug, wotever!!)
Other discrepancies in version 1.0
This readme was a little rushed, could u beta testers mail me with any problems!
Credits :
All odfs were created by concept:future unless otherwise stated
Prometheus Class
by Deemon
Opaka Class
created by Trekkie
New Federation Starbase
by 9 of 9
Guncutter class
by Major A Payne
Federation Construction ship and repair ship were created by activision/mad doc - edited by me
Kaleb Class and Scorpion Class
created by Major A Payne initially for use in the Section 31 mod
Norway Class by:
Model and textures, by Deemon
WireFrame and button by Westworld
Fturret by *unknown*
Wells Class by *unknown*
Nova Class by Spectre
Wireframe by Yerasimo Amici
Blitzkrieg Class by:
Model and Textures by Pneumonic81
and rest (apart from odf) by Major A Payne
Eximus Class by: - Design, Mesh and Texture by Cleeve
Converted to sod by APCMmkII
Wireframe, buildbutton, and hardpoints by APCMmkII
Antimatter Mine
Edited to federation design by
Intrepid Class Armor
Aeon Class
Texture by Redragon
Created by
Achillies Class by Major A Payne
Capital Class by USS Capital
Notes -
The Venture class is meant to be there at the start, i decided not to make it available right at the start because of loading times. So you will be able to have one Venture in instant action, the original one.
Also i think that the game could crash on ending. I think that it's cause of the ship Images, or lack of them, but i hope to get that sorted out.
Version | Beta | Author | Concept: Future | Website | |
Downloads | 4,762 | Size | 10.10 MB | Created | 2002-09-20 |
chaleten - the hps as far as i know are realistic. Please mail me a screen pic of ur new wells class and i'll seen wot u mean - conceptfuture
hopper99 - this is as compressed as far as it goes. None of the big mods are small, take Major Payne's Borg incursion for example, that's about six times as big as this file.
Im gonna complete the mod, take a look at for more information