Cloaking + Moving Federation Starbase
See the Readme for all the details, but rest assured, the Fed starbase will be feared by all in the galaxy now

I have created a federation starbase that could move and cloak. However the moving was far too slow. By demand of Iron Fist I made this version.
This is version 2.0 of the movable and cloakable star base for the federation. Itâs now equipped with slipstream drive and phase cloak.
Yes, you can enter slipstream while phase cloaked.
Installation instructions:
01) First copy all files to their correct folder like itâs shown in the zip file.
02) Open the gui_global.spr and page down until you see:
# Special weapons button
At the end of the list that follows the lines above add these lines:
b_slipstream gbfslipgate 0 0 64 64
b_hpcloak gbpcloak 0 0 64 64
03) Now open and scroll down until you see federation special weapons and add these lines:
slipstream.odf 0 // Slipstream Drive
hpcloak.odf 0 // Phase Cloak
Created by ClaesStefan
Version | 2.0 | Author | ClaesStefan | Website | |
Downloads | 1,180 | Size | 17.72 KB | Created | 2002-10-21 |
Rate: 10
If somebody else wanna give it a try please do but I must give it up.
I'm installing and uninstalling armada 2 at least 3 times a day.
The whole folder copy thing works really great.
By the way, expect the starbases of the other races soon. note: the federation base will be included for easy download.
I was not planning to do other stations but i'll look into it when i'm finished with the starbases.