Chronosome class + Torpedo
Here's the description from the Readme:
This is my chronosome class. The ship's model isn't new, it's
just the good old Defiant class. Why release it then? Well included with the chronosome
class is the Isomatic torpedo, a VERY long range torpedo. It has a cool fireing sound and is
very powerfull. But fortunately the Chronosome class takes very long to build, which is a good thing,too.
The torpedo sound is nice, and so is the mod overall

*************Chronosome class by captain henk***************
Hello, I'm captain henk(real name: Henk Broekhuizen)
This is my chronosome class. The ship's model isn't new, it's
just the good old Defiant class. Why release it then? Well included with the chronosome
class is the Isomatic torpedo, a VERY long range torpedo. It has a cool fireing sound and is
very powerfull. But fortunately the Chronosome class takes very long to build, which is a good thing,too.
If You Don't like the ship (neither do I), you could only use the weapon. That's better, in my opinion. The only
reason i included this "new" ship, was to let it act as a weapon platform. I didn't want it to be released as weapon-only,
as a lot of "newbie" modders wouldn't be able to use it.
Henk b. (captain henk)
INSTALL 1(with ship and weapon, unmodded games)
1)Unzip all files in the armada 2 directory
2)move the "fevertjan.odf" file to the ODF/SHIPS directory
3)move the "fdsoundphot.odf" and the "fdsoundphoto.odf" files to the ODF/WEAPONS/PHOTONS directory
4)move the "fyard.odf" file to the ODF/STATIONS directory
3)move the "fdsoundphot.odf" and the "fdsoundphoto.odf" files to the ODF/WEAPONS/PHOTONS directory
6)move the "" and "" files to the TECHTREE directory
INSTALL 2(With ship and weapon, already modded games)
1)unzip all files in the armada 2 directory
2)move the "fevertjan.odf" file to the ODF/SHIPS directory
3)move the "fdsoundphot.odf" and the "fdsoundphoto.odf" files to the ODF/WEAPONS/PHOTONS directory
4)move the "torpedo.wav" file to the SOUNDS/EFFECTS directory
5)Open and add: "fevertjan.odf 0" (without the quotes)
Open and add: "fevertjan.odf 1 fupgrade.odf"
6)open Fyard.odf (ODF/STATIONS directory), and scroll down to construction parameters. You should see about this:
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fscout"
buildItem1 = "fdestroy2"
buildItem2 = "fdestroy"
buildItem3 = "fcolony"
buildItem4 = "fcruise1"
buildItem5 = "fcruise3"
buildItem6 = "fassault"
buildItem7 = "fcruise2"
Add: buildItem8 = "fevertjan"
If there are more entries then 7, just add this: buildItem# = "fevertjan" Where the # stands or the next number in line.
INSTALL 3(only the weapon, both modded and unmodded games)
1)move the "fdsoundphot.odf" and the "fdsoundphoto.odf" files to the ODF/WEAPONS/PHOTONS directory
2)move the "fdsoundphot.odf" and the "fdsoundphoto.odf" files to the ODF/WEAPONS/PHOTONS directory
3)choose a ship, on which you want to "install" the weapon
4)Scroll down to the weapon parameters and add: weapon# = "fdsoundphot"
weaponHardpoints# = "hp01" "hp02" "hp03" "hp04" "hp05"
Once again, the # stands for the next number in line. Make sure both numbers are the same.
-First of all the creators of Armada 2. I've used they're torpedo sprites.
-Ben maxwell. I've used his awesome torpedo sound. BTW, it comes from his A1 Cardassian telok class mod
Version | Author | Captain Henk | Website | ||
Downloads | 425 | Size | 53.61 KB | Created | 2002-10-19 |