BOP Prototype
This mod contains the Bird of Prey that can fire while cloaked. It can cloak normally then it can fire long range torpedo's and disruptor cannons at close range. This needs working so expect upgrades.
Now you Undiscovered Country junkes can recreate the best part of that movie

BOP Prototype
created by Cpt Geddes.
Copy kclkdest.odf to ODF ships.
Copy kyard.odf to ODF stations.
Copy kclkphot.odf and kclkphotono.odf to ODF weapons/photons.
Copy gkclkenh.odf to ODF special weapons.
Copy kclkdest.sod to SOD.
Copy and to tech tree.
Copy gui_global to sprites.
Copy kclkdest.odf to ODF ships.
Copy gkclkenh.odf to ODF special weapons.
Copy kclkphot.odf and kclkphotono.odf to ODF weapons/photons.
Copy kclkdest.sod to SOD.
and add buildItemX = "kclkdest" (where X is the next build item number) to kyard.odf,
add kclkdest.odf 0 and gKclkenh.odf 0 to,
add kclkdest.odf 1 kresear2.odf to under klingon ships,
add gKclkenh.odf 0 to under klingon special weapons,
add: b_kclkdest gbkdestroy 0 0 64 64
under Klingon build buttons where it says @reference=64.
then scroll down to special weapon buttons and add:
b_gkclkenh gbclkenh00 0 0 64 64
Version | Author | Cpt Geddes | Website | ||
Downloads | 658 | Size | 39.55 KB | Created | 2002-10-25 |
Oh, well, I'm almost finished with a new mod my friend suggested.
It will mostly affect Romulans, Klingons, Borg, and the Federation players. Sorry, no Cardassian changes in this one (you'll see why