AVM 4.0 Transphasic Torpedo Patch AVM 4.0 Transphasic Torpedo Patch

(3 votes)
Ted H, 2002-09-08

Just a small patch that fixes Transphasic Torpedoes to the AVM mod.

Version    Author  Ted H  Website   
Downloads  2,494  Size  72.00 KB  Created  2002-09-08 



#1 agroborg 2002-09-08 19:37
Rock transphasing torpedos is my creation, but the voyager AVM v4 mod is from voyager009 so is cool

Agroborg........resistance is futile!!!!!!!!!!!! ...or not?
#2 usscapital 2002-09-08 23:10
been there , done that in armada 1 :P
#3 voyager009 2002-09-09 16:13
this just simply enhances the transphasic torps already in AVM v4 :-)
#4 R2Destroyer 2002-09-13 10:03
wen i try 2 instlls v4 i get bad command or file name?
#5 voyager009 2002-09-14 11:24
you must make sure ur directory is the same as the one in the unzipper
#6 Spork 2002-11-22 12:31
So what does this do? Makes them more powerful or something?

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