Planetary Assimilation Re-texture Planetary Assimilation Re-texture

(4 votes)
scimifan, 2008-11-29

Ever wanted to turn your average Class M planet into the Borg equivalent of a Death Star? Well, now you can!

This is a re-texture of the stock planetary assimilation effect. The readme is intensive, descriptive, and tells you everything you'd ever want to know about the subject. You can either simply apply the re-texture or give the planet an assimilation technique that looks almost like the A2 introduction which terrified us all when first we saw it, featuring multiple Borg colony vessels ripping up a helpless world. We still can't re-create the effect of the colony ships.... but the assimilation is now possible with this mod.

Worth a look.


Datei zur neuen Planeten Assimilations-Textur:

Diese Datei enthält:

Texture-Dateien: PD_BORG1.tga, PD_BORG2.tga, PD_Borgalloc1.tga, PD_Borgalloc2.tga

SOD-Dateien: keine

odf-Dateien: keine

!!Macht von alles bertroffenen Dateien Sicherheitskopien!!


Alle tga-Dateien in Textures -> RGB kopieren

Möglichkeit 1:
- Wenn Ihr die alloc-Datein nicht mit kopiert bzw die bestehenden Borgalloc aus der RGB Datei rauslöscht, dann fehlt dieser Städte-Aufbau-Effekt. Die Texturen sind dann aber intensiver und das wirkt dann eher wie ein Borgplanet.
Möglichkeit 2:
- Wenn Ihr die alloc-Dateien mitkopiert, dann sind nur die Texturen verändert.

Macht das was ihr besser findet. Aber nicht vergessen eine Sicherehitskopie zu machen!!!
Letztlich Schluß kopiert folgende Zeile in die Datei borg.odf: (Diese Datei findet Ihr im "Other-Ordner")

Dieser Teil steht bereits schon drin, also einfach überschreiben


// Name of the city texture, "" means none
cityTextureName = "BORG"
atmosphereTextureName = "BORG"

// atmosphere tint (dirty gray)
// atmosphereTint = 0.5 0.5 0.4
// atmosphereTint = 0.3 0.4 0.4
atmosphereTint = 0.1 0.2 0.2

// # of cities in the city texture
numCities = 55.0


PA_Borg1.tga, PA_Borg2.tga - ??? = War ursprünglich von einem Kubus den ich runtergeladen hatte.

PD_Borgalloc1.tga, PD_Borgalloc2.tga = Activision

Ich übernehme keine Haftung und/oder Verantwortung für evtl. entstandene Schäden an Euren Rechnern.
Also viel Spass.

This File contains:

Texture-Files: PD_BORG1.tga, PD_BORG2.tga, PD_Borgalloc1.tga, PD_Borgalloc2.tga

SOD-Files: none

odf-Files: none

!!Please back-up the involved files !!



All tga-files in Textures -> RGB copy

Possibility 1:
- If you don't copy the 'alloc-Files' and delete yours out from the RGB-Directory, then you will have more intensive Assimilation-Textures. The Surface of ever Planet-Type will completly be coverd with this Texture. Please note, that you only have to delete the Borgalloc.tga!!
Possibility 2:
- If you just PA_BORG.tga it RGB then you will have the Build-up Effect with change textures of course.

So make your choice. But don't forget to make back-up's of all your files!!!
Please copy this the following line to borg.odf: (This File you'll find in odf-->Other)

This is already in it, so just overwrite it with this


// Name of the city texture, "" means none
cityTextureName = "BORG"
atmosphereTextureName = "BORG"

// atmosphere tint (dirty gray)
// atmosphereTint = 0.5 0.5 0.4
// atmosphereTint = 0.3 0.4 0.4
atmosphereTint = 0.1 0.2 0.2

// # of cities in the city texture
numCities = 55.0


PD_BORG1.tga, PD_BORG2.tga - ??? = Please send a message, that everything is alright

PD_Borgalloc1.tga, PD_Borgalloc2.tga, PD_Borgalloc1.tga, PD_Borgalloc2.tga = Activision

I will not be responsible for eventually caused damage to you PC.
So have fun with it.

Version  1.0  Author  scimifan  Website   
Downloads  181  Size  895.19 KB  Created  2008-11-29 



#1 thunderfoot006 2008-11-29 18:43
Always did want an assimilated planet that really looked assimilated. Thanks! 10/10 from me because this is a great idea.
#2 bumting 2008-11-29 18:46
Now thats cool!
#3 ameba 2008-11-30 04:47
another great little mod. thanx.
#4 Midknight_Maniac 2008-12-07 02:28
Awesome texture also did you do the GUI for the borg and where can I get.

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