New Excelsior Textures New Excelsior Textures

(5 votes)
Gavin1701, 2006-06-26

Some superb textures for a superb ship. I particually like the borg textures, in fact I would go so far as to say they actually look better than the Federation ones.

With this i have added a USS registry instead of an NX, and i have added some borg textures
which were all done by me

Thanks to theStarfleetKid for his help.

Version    Author  Gavin1701  Website   
Downloads  347  Size  1.28 MB  Created  2006-06-26 



#1 Col_Janson 2006-06-26 12:24
Sounds great!

Screenshots would be nice though :sad:
#2 willsk8forfood15 2006-06-26 18:37
Good work, I like the borg tex's. 9/10
#3 MajorPayne 2006-06-26 23:55
A good release, but I would ask this question. So who did the original set of textures??
#4 Gavin1701 2006-06-27 08:09
Glad to see you all like the new textures :D . To MajorPayne the original textures were done bye Captian Fingers / Darth Spankey, so im told bye the A2 Team. The borg textures were made by me and the NX registry on the ship was edited by me to have an NCC Registry.
#5 theStarfleetKid 2006-06-28 12:17
Nice work. 8)
#6 anazonda 2006-06-30 03:45
I really must agree on the description. the borg textures looks INSANE. i never seen such good textures. the fed ones are ok

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