UNSC Frigate Collection
An improved version over the previous offering, this series of UNSC Frigate .ODFs includes special weapons (notably the Transphasic Torpedo and Slipstream Drive, neither of which are otherwise credited, but were made by Agroborg), with proper .ODFs for every weapon, plus buildbuttons and wireframes for every one of these frigates. This revision marks a substantial improvement, however, proper credit MUST be given on all new mods. Just be sure to do that in future, IceBite.
Worth a look for all you Halo fans.
This is a major improvement to the last 2. Same 3 Frigates. Same 3 odfs. Same 3 SODs. More easy and exciting action available. This version now includes the odfs for the weapons, including a special pulse weapon and the Transphasic Torpedo (not mine), which is used to replace the MAC Gun.
Standard Frigate ODF, SOD, Wireframe, and Build Button
Missile Frigate ODF, SOD, Wireframe, and Build Button
Forward Unto Dawn ODF, SOD, Wireframe, and Build Button
Missile Frigate Missile odfs
Slipspace Drive
Known Bugs:
1.Transphasic torpedo doesn't always show.
2.Same for Slipstream Drive (made by maker of transphasic torpedo), which is ment to be the Slipspace Drive from Halo.
If more bugs are encountered, comment and I'll see what I can do to fix it before the next version.
Version | 1.1 | Author | IceBite | Website | |
Downloads | 207 | Size | 222.93 KB | Created | 2008-09-14 |