Federation Ship Update Federation Ship Update

(9 votes)
Steel2, 2003-11-16

This file give the Sabre, Defiant, Akira, Intepid, Steamrunner, Aegian, Galaxy, and Nebula class starships Quantum Torpedos and Self Destruct ability. As for the Steamrunner, it also comes with another physics file which alters its original properties, so now it is a fast as an Akira class ship, and has the phasers of an Akira.

Federation Ship Update

This is, like all my other files an ODF thingy (i dont have milkshape) It is an update to the following Fed Ships: Sabre, Defiant, Akira, Intepid, Steamrunner, Aegian, Galaxy, and Nebula. It replace's thier Torps with Quantum Torps, and gives them Self Destruct ability. As for the Steamrunner, it also comes with another physics file which alters its original properties, so now it is a fast as an Akira class ship, and has the phasers of an Akira.


1. Copy all zipped all ODF files EXCEPT, "sartilleryshipphys2" (which is the Steamrunners phy file" and drop them into your ODF/Ships file in the ST: Armada 2 Directory.

2.Bring the "sartilleryshipphys2" and drop into the ODF/ Other file in the ST: Armada 2 directory

3.Test it by playing in Instant action if it dosent work and/or some of the ships dont have the updates, then your at fault

P.S. These updates will give the feds an un-fair advantage over everyone, i suggest while you play make the enemy team have one more ally then the fed ( 2-1) this should make things more fair, atleast thats what i do.

Also if anyone has a link to download milkshape, plz E-mail me at omega_75@hotmail.com

P.S. Expect a Romulan and Cardassian and Borg update packs aswell.

=/\= Steel2 =/\=

Version    Author  Steel2  Website   
Downloads  1,015  Size  27.43 KB  Created  2003-11-16 



#1 steel2 2003-11-17 18:58
isnt anyone going to comment on my file?!?!?!
#2 nazi_ufo 2003-11-18 05:35
The file is pretty fun (especially in multiplayer), gives the Federation a better edge in combat.

Pretty simple mod though as far as i can tell, not that thats a bad thing :-)
#3 Guest 2003-12-08 17:23
Anyone who is good at mooding could easily changed the fed ships to have Quantum Torps by changing there weapons in the odf files. But for the Steamrunner to be faster, now thats good.

4/10 Sorry mate, I could have done what your mod does to my A2 game without your mod. Thanks anyway
#4 Wheller 2007-03-08 16:47
it doesn't take a trained monkey with a keyboard to give all the federation ships Quantum torpeados (I personaly like Photon torpeados more,) but hey you have made something here, and thats good enough for me

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