Overpowered .ODF mod of the stock Federation command base. Ridiculously overpowered.
Download this if you're interested.

federation battle base
classified experimental super starbase
designation : starbase 51
special weapons
shield enhancer
corbomite refractor
chain reaction pulsar
temporal stop
standard weapons
battle phasers,pulse phasers and torpedoes
builds akira class and defiant class starships
construction and repair ships
put sod file in sod folder
put tga file in textures/rgb folder
put odf file in odf/stations folder
put bmp file in bitmaps/asmirals log/ships
open file in sprites folder
under federation build buttons
add line
b_battlebase gbbattlebase 0 0 64 64
under federation wireframes
find line fbasehqw5
under this add lines
battlebasew1 fedwireframe06 0 192 48 48
battlebasew2 fedwireframe06 48 192 48 48
battlebasew3 fedwireframe06 96 192 48 48
battlebasew4 fedwireframe06 144 192 48 48
battlebasew5 fedwireframe06 192 192 48 48
save file
open tech1 file in techtree folder
under federation stations
add line
battlebase.odf 0
save file
open full tech file
add line
battlebase.odf 0
save file
open fconst file in odf/ships folder
add under construction parameters
builditem** = "battlebase"
save file
thats it
this is a modified version of the standard starbase hq
i just modified the original sod file
and added new odf file and build button texture
so credit goes to the fbasehq designer
Version | Author | mash1971 | Website | ||
Downloads | 156 | Size | 585.20 KB | Created | 2008-10-20 |