More Klingon Ship Names More Klingon Ship Names

(2 votes)
thunderfoot006, 2006-09-19

Well, as it is said in the title, this is (put simply) another list of Klingon Ship Names. Having a brief look through it, much is recognised by past releases, though I'm sure there are some new ones in there somewhere.


Hello, it's thunderfoot006. The staff at A2 Files liked my last article, so I've decided to press my luck and submit again. Since I can't draw, thought I'd help out in other ways. The Klingons and Romulans really do get shorted pretty badly in the names department. I too, quoting Montgomery Scott want, "no bloody A, B, C, or D" after a ship name. Most of the mods here on A2 Files also tend to be a little light in the name department. I decided to do something about this. Permission is granted to use them in any of your mods without having to either ask or credit me, although I would appreciate the latter as quite a bit of work and free time went into this.


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Version    Author  thunderfoot006  Website   
Downloads  403  Size  6.02 KB  Created  2006-09-19 



#1 thunderfoot006 2006-09-19 06:18
Yes the list has some past stuff. The point here is to make it easier for newer people to simply cut and paste names for the new ships they download here.

The only other shipname listings i've seen posted here had names for Klingon ships, which if I used them in the forums or here, would get me banned from this site permanently. In the future, I will try to be more precise in my readme. Sorry to disappoint.
#2 IKS_Yo_Mama 2006-09-22 09:26
Doing Klingon ship names is easy: basically start the name with a Q, V, M, R, T, P, G,H,J,C, F, or N and end it in Qach, jagh , megh, pogh, lwl, och, aqh and add an aspotrophe here and there...
#3 StephenBerry777 2010-09-24 19:43
Hey, General Chang (Star Trek VI - Undiscovered Country) like quoting Shakespeare so much that I have some Klingon ships with names like IKS MacBeth, IKS Hamlet, etc.

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