Delphic Expance Map (1.0)
Star Trek Enterprise - Delphic Expance, a nice looking map courtesy of Luke20

Star Trek Enterprise Season 3 Missions
Simply put the bzn file into the bzn folder in Armada 2!
Set up a icon with the properties target line:
"C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Armada2.exe" / expance1.bzn
You can now play this level by double clicking on the icon.
This is the first map of the Adventures of Enterprise NX - 01 in the Delphic Expance.
You can play this in Single player mode only. You use the Enterprise NX - 01 as your only vessel
in the game. (It is an Akria class, but it looks quite similar!)
You will play through the episodes of Enterprise: "The Expance"
"The Xindi"
It is recomended that you play the episode out in order.
First, destroy the Klingon Birds of prey, then visit "Expance Planet 001" on the very left
of the map.
Then continue up to the debris field of the planet and head south east to the derelict ship
& the mysterious sphere....
Then go North West of the Sphere to the Osarian Ship and once you destroy it, it's game over!
The Wormhole is eye candy. You can't travel through it.
When the mission starts, the KLingons will damage you a lot.
They will not go far into the expance, so try and warp out.
The Osarian vessel will try and beam aboard and take you over in which case, you
will lose the mission.
All cheats will work, but there is no next mission & whats the point of "Showmethemoney"
if there is no construction ship?
I'll take no responsibility for any damage that may result to your PC from the use of this map.
No part of this map may be used for any other map without permission from the author(s).
Any bugs? Questions? Other Problems?
EMAIL me at
Version | Author | Luke20 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,329 | Size | 129.66 KB | Created | 2004-01-25 |
this is a good way to play situations for Armada. Some time ago i made the Kobayashi Maru mission played only with the Map Editor, but I lost the files
This is good and I will try to do that map again! (a single Intrepid against 3 Warbirds!!!!)
Keep on the good job luke20
When u do that, create a shortcut &.....
well its all on the README.
P.S An update very soon!