Zero Hour Map background Completion Zero Hour Map background Completion

(5 votes)
Aerilon, 2011-03-18

Included in this download are six individual map backgrounds for use within Star Trek: Armada II. These map backgrounds should also be compatible with all Star Trek: Armada II Modifications. Background 'envDefault' is a blank (black) background for a more sparse space-effect. The other five are respective to the main colours of Nebula found within the game; Blue, Green, Purple, Red, and Yellow.


Star Trek: Armada II - Zero Hour
Map Background Completion (6)



New Map Backgrounds (x6) credited to Ash Stephens
- Contact:


Content put together via Photoshop by me. Odd Google images were used, though limited. Most images found within are extracts of stock files, merged and edited for required effect. The rest is simple Photoshop colouring.


Usage Policy

These files are sanctioned for reuse in other Armada II Modifications through free distribution. Such the distributor need not contact me directly, though they will at all times, without excuse include this complete ReadMe in such a re-released file / completion project.

Unless specifically stated, these files are solely for Armada II use, and will not be converted to any other game, or for any other use without express permission. Conversion of these files is authorised only after acknowledgement by me.

Unless otherwise stated, these files are exclusive to FileFront, and should not be hosted elsewhere.


Version    Author  Aerilon  Website  Website external 
Downloads  464  Size  4.98 MB  Created  2011-03-18 



#1 Lord_Narf_CLXX 2011-03-24 06:14
Your pictures for this bit seem to be broken. :sad:
#2 Aerilon 2011-03-29 08:36
That's a FileFront Network Issue; you may have noticed in other recent file uploads (via anyone) pictures don't show; the same reason the PoTD hasn't been changed in a while. The 'tech guys' are slacking.

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