TOS - Blood Bath TOS - Blood Bath

(1 vote)
Q’acheq Haech, 2005-01-26

when i first downloaded this I thought it might have something to do with the original series in some way, but I was mistaken, just a clan name, anyway, a nice map, try it out.

Thankx for downloading this (these) map file! I made these map(s) to simply add to selection of maps available!

Copyright / Legal Info
This (these) map(s) were made by Q'acheq Haech , Primary Corps Commander of the Triadian Order Society. You may contact me at: AS of yet, the TOS and I do not have a website, but once we have enough maps / mods / etc we will make one. You can, for now, email me and ask what maps I have and I will send you a list and can email them directly to you....

All maps are of original design. You may alter or add stuff to this (these) map(s), but give me creadit for original design and please do not overwrite my map; name it something different!!!

File Info / Installation
Put the .bzn and .bmp files into your "bzn" directory. Load up game and select map. Note: the more files you have in this directory, the slower the game will be when showing the list of maps...

Version  0.1  Author  Q’acheq Haech  Website   
Downloads  371  Size  96.47 KB  Created  2005-01-26 



#1 ColdDarkParanoia 2005-09-25 02:35
screen shot be nice :sad:

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