Harman System
Quote:very pretty map
In the "Mirror Universe," Harman was home to a peaceful civilization who had recently developed warp technology.
They had a peaceful relationship with thier close nieghbors, the Romulans, until a cataclysmic event desimated the
population and turned the entire planet into a frozen wasteland.
Well... this map was made under the assumption that, in the primary Star Trek Universe, Harman is still a peaceful civilization
allied with the Romulan Star Empire that was not desimated by a cataclysmic event.

/\/\>>>>>>>READ ME!<<<<<<</\/\
/\Layout and design by "Spiko747"
/\Tech provided by makers of Armada 2
/\Planetary Rings by "Slider17"
/\Harman Planet is from Flashtrek: Broken Mirror, created by Vex Xiang
In the "Mirror Universe," Harman was home to a peaceful civilization who had recently developed warp technology.
They had a peaceful relationship with thier close nieghbors, the Romulans, until a cataclysmic event desimated the
population and turned the entire planet into a frozen wasteland.
Well... this map was made under the assumption that, in the primary Star Trek Universe, Harman is still a peaceful civilization
allied with the Romulan Star Empire that was not desimated by a cataclysmic event.
This isn't really a map intended for blowing stuff up. Its thier to look really pretty. The map is divided into 3 parts by asteroids.
The lower left section is a system in Romulan territory closest to Harman, the "Trotan" system. The asteroids in center dividing
this section and the upper right section represent the distance between Trotan and Harman. The Upper right section is Harman.
There is a small gap in the asteroid field in case you wish to trade between the systems, you wouldn't have to keep telling
you cargo ships to go through wormholes. The upper left section of the map is for the bad guys. See, this is a 3-player, 1
being you (whatever race you chose to be in Harman, or Romulans in Trotan), 1 being your allies in either Harman or Trotan
(whichever system you're not in), and the last being the enemy isolated in the corner where he cant hurt anyone. This is so
you can use the map in instant action, be able to save, and enjoy eye candy whilst never worrying about gettin shot at.
So, its likely you can keep it going indefinitly.
This is my first map. Later on I hope to make maps for things other than eye candy. I hope you like it.
All the files you really need in this zip are:
Got those? No? Oh well. Yes? Good, now extract all 3 files to:
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bzn
You may edit this map as you see fit and upload changes you've made to the file. You MUST however credit the people listed
at the top of the read_me file. No file(s) in this zip may be sold in any manner.
my emial: spik747ATyahooDOTcom
Vex Xiang's site: http://vexxiang.com
Version | Author | Spiko747 | Website | ||
Downloads | 673 | Size | 125.27 KB | Created | 2005-06-28 |