Category: Mini-War Maps

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Map.png Total Annihilation

(3 votes)

I think this is a big battle map. Download and see .

 Ben Tweed 2003-07-28   48.10 KB 792 Comments: 0

Map.png Watch 4 Ferengi

(3 votes)

Another map I know nothing about! Enjoy!

 Unknown / Anonymous 2003-07-28   82.32 KB 699 Comments: 1

Map.png Wolf 359

(8 votes)

This is an Assault map that is a reinactment of the battle of Wolf 359, but with a twist...

 The Dominion 2002-05-31   18.59 KB 1,926 Comments: 2

Map.png YardWar 1

(5 votes)

A Top-Vs.-Bottom map with, my favorite accessory, Wormholes! Each player, a total of 4 players, has 1 Adv.

 hellraisermike 2002-05-31   34.60 KB 632 Comments: 0