Triple's Map Pack
The 6th version of my mappack featuers as always old and new maps, that I created over the years. One of my goals was here to create assaultb maps were you have to make decisions about expanding, trading, quick rushing or a compromise of all 3 elements. That map is called War to end all Wars and is an evolution of my former work.
Worth a look. Everyone needs new maps. (Maps spelled backwards is spam.)

Trips Mappack 6 for Star Trek: Armada 2
1. Introduction
this mappack contains 75 Star Trek: Armada 2 maps, that I have created. The maps are mainly for online gaming,
the AI could have problems on some maps.
I always tried to create something new, something different in order to keep armada 2 interesting.
2. Content
Offline-Skirmish = Regular Online-Multiplayer maps:
2 players, 4players, 6 players and 8 players
Assault (multiplayer only) maps:
6 player and 8 player maps
3. Installation
Unpack all bzn files in the armada 2 bzn folder
4. Legal agreement
You can use my maps "as they are" for mods or whatever (some credits would be nice in that case).
5. Credits
Maddoc for creating Star Trek: Armada 2
Activision for publishing it
Me for creating these maps
Extra special thanks goes out to long time friend Keeper and all the people at the Destiny Dealers clan.
6. Contact