Borg and Federation map
Author's description:
Hello and thanks for drownloading this map. This time there is only two transwarp gates one on earch side. If the on your side get kill them you not been going anywhere uless you are the Borg or 8472 (or Federation if you got the mod that give the Federation transwarp or someother mod). The dead Borg Transwrp gate are being grardid by Federation StarBases (Starfleet Command ones). So you most kill them or taken over them before you got the Transwarp gate. there are orso there ais some dead ship there too.
Ooooh, makes it a little bit more risky....

Borg and Federation V2 By Trevor James Pilkington
Hello and thanks for drownloading this map. This time there is only two transwarp gates one on earch side. If the on your side get kill them you not been going anywhere uless you are the Borg or 8472 (or Federation if you got the mod that give the Federation transwarp or someother mod). The dead Borg Transwrp gate are being grardid by Federation StarBases (Starfleet Command ones). So you most kill them or taken over them before you got the Transwarp gate. there are orso there ais some dead ship there too.
Sorry about the spellings.
Made:Thursday 27th February 2003
Send:Thursday 27th February 2003
Last map Made by TrevorJPilkington
Put into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bzn
Version | 2.0 | Author | Trevor J Plikington | Website | |
Downloads | 1,084 | Size | 53.49 KB | Created | 2003-02-27 |