A Dare A Dare

(6 votes)
Darko, 2004-09-07

This map is a little more natural looking than the last arena style map. It's still for Fleet Ops only , so don't put in a stock game and watch it crash. Worth a download (this should only take literally a second) so try it and add to the sparce Fleet Ops map collection.

A dare ... a map by Darko

It`s a 6-player map for Fleet Operations (FleetOps) conversion.

A balanced map with a few neutrals and combinations of nebulae and planetoids...
... and a couple of derelicts to spice up your fleet.

Try it...

Installation instructions:
Copy (unzip) the files to your FleetOps bzn folder and that`s it.
-usually: C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\bzn\


Legal Stuff

This file is not supported or affiliated with Activision. I will not be held accountable for
any damage done to your computer by use of these files or techniques.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This file is freeware. It is not to be sold.

You may not sell user-created missions commercially.
You should respect the rights of the property owners.
You have to ask for permission if you want to use one of this in any mod.

Version  1.0  Author  Darko  Website   
Downloads  419  Size  61.56 KB  Created  2004-09-07 



#1 Operative34997 2004-09-07 16:12
What exactly is it about maps intended for fleetops that makes them crash in a standard A2 game? I don't have fleetops so I don't know.
#2 comorov 2004-09-08 01:15
first off try looking at the pic up there and you wont see a single planet location so this map would crash armada2 because this map only has nebulas that arent in armada2 and no proper planets plus the fact that fleet ops only has 3 kinds of resource some type of metal i forgot name and dilithium there are alot of things that wont work on a normal armada2 with these type of things cause its only for the mod sorry long winded ill stop now :P hope i helped
#3 Besancon 2004-09-08 06:12
Because I think fleetops rocks!
#4 Lt_Commander 2004-09-08 07:24
Fleetops uses different nebule, asteroids, planets, ships, resources, and npcs than stock A2, to name a few.
#5 Operative34997 2004-09-25 11:06
Thanks for filling me in, guys. The pic is so small I really can't see the nebulas that well(or the rest for that matter). It looks like a cool layout. I'm usually partial to asymmetrical maps, but I kinda liked this one.

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