Fly Trap
Neat asymmetrical five-player map from pinkfluffy. From the e-mail.
Please find herewith a 5 player map designed with (but not restricted to) Concept Future Version 100 (off line) in mind.
The deliberate lack of high population planets and dilithium is deliberate to slow the pace down a bit and make players more prudent (rather than just simply building mega fleets and bludgeoning the opposition to death at the first opportunity). The end game can be especially fun and can end up in situations where, after dilithium (and to some extent metal) is scarse and building heavily armed ships is difficult, the control of the latinum deposits and trade routes become key. (Well, at least for mediocre players like me it works out that way.)
Sounds like fun. Give it a try.

- the Kid
Version | Author | Unknown / Anonymous | Website | ||
Downloads | 329 | Size | 67.21 KB | Created | 2008-01-19 |
The prudent thing to do would've been wait a couple days to comment.