United Earth
this is an interesting four player map, it has many derelict federation ships in the center, go there at once and use this to your advantige.
I would use the romulans in this map(or any for that mater) because of the cloaking abilities you can have fleets of ships waiting at the wormhole, cloaked.
great map

BTW: to install it just throw all the files in your bzn folder.
Created By : Sweldon " AKA [UEF]FAdm_E4R /Energy4Release"
Activison not responsible for this Map and it's action.
This map is What I personaly rate as a Fair Map.
Please enjoy
E4R "Weldon/SWeldon"
If you'd like me to make a map email me at :
Version | 1.0 | Author | Sweldon | Website | |
Downloads | 636 | Size | 29.31 KB | Created | 2003-04-02 |