Green Glow A2FO
Here comes some new food for the Fleet Operations fans!
This is a remake of the Armada 1 map named 'The Cross' by Ntanel, who has sent in a lot of maps for stock A2 the last weeks.
Each player has got his/her own quarter to build up in along with 2 dilithium and tritanium moons. So this is perfectly balanced; as you can see everything is placed the same way in all of the corners.
Only thing to complain about: there could have been a few more map addititions so it looks a bit more interesting.

Worth downloading for all the FO junkies out there (including me

- TParis
4green2 is a remake of the original Star Trek Armada The Cross four player map. To install, extract "4green2.bmp", "4green2.bzn" and "4green2.txt" into the "bzn" subfolder inside the "Star Trek Aramada II: Fleet Operations" folder.
I release this map under the understanding that I am not liable for any issues it may cause. Essentially, you take your fate into your own hands, you have been warned. To ease your mind however, the map works fine for me. Also, if you use the map and/or it components in any form in a future release, this file or the contents within must be included.
If you find an issue, please let me know. Heck, if you know how to fix the issues you find, include that. I used the map editor that came with the Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations release.
You can reach me via the forums at Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations ( My username is Ntanel.
Tip: Watch out for the nebulas, they can be fatal!
Thank you and ciao!
- Ntanel StormBlade
- August 9, 2007
Version | Author | Ntanel StormBlade | Website | ||
Downloads | 133 | Size | 58.85 KB | Created | 2007-08-20 |
I was always a fan of the Cross map in the first place... and I love Fleet op's